Description: Debian KDM Theme like Krystal KDM theme by john007 whit Debian logo by yggdrasil.
Download and unzip theme. Copy in ~/.kde/share/apps/kdm/themes/ (or other) In your kdmrc (etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc) change line Theme=~/.kde/share/apps/kdm/themes/Debian (or other path)
You need su privilegies for change in /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc!
Enjoy... Please write abuot your wishes/ideas for v2.0...
but now that I've switched from Debian to Kubuntu I'd be thrlled if you did a Kubuntu version as well (that is, replace the Debian logo with a Kubuntu logo).
Ratings & Comments
but now that I've switched from Debian to Kubuntu I'd be thrlled if you did a Kubuntu version as well (that is, replace the Debian logo with a Kubuntu logo).
Hi! I will tray hard. :)
Help please, can't make my kdm use any theme... What's the problem...
In your kdmrc (~/.kde/share/config) change line Theme=~/.kde/share/apps/kdm/themes/"THEMENAME" coment sory for my bad english Miha
But I haven't got this file... What must be in it?
Look from /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc. Sory haven't got any time. Miha
dpkg -L kdm tayp in terminal Miha
Nice work, dude! Especially the icon rocks :-))
Theme doesn't test. Miha
6. August New version is here and theme is testing. Miha