KDE-Look T-Shirt - Power
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
just the original version with some polish to it.
black and red version
© 2025 /s/Cinnamon - Eyecandy for your Cinnamon Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
I like it, very well done! Rearding the black wolf, i would turn his eyes more "glass" like, more reflective i mean. croky
I dislike the fact that it's a (quite obvious) napster ripoff. Original artwork is preferred in this contest. Other than that, I think this icon looks pretty cool.
i wouldn't really call it a ripoff -- it was, yes, inspired by napster. and its not like he was trying to hide it, hell napster IS part of its title. personally i'd be quite disappointed if thats its crime. other than that dadeisvenm, i tip my hat to you for you did a kick-*ss job i've already set it as my amaroK icon; excellent work! ^_^
I really like it. I get the feeling its very "Napsterish". Has that feel. Well done. I think move colour variations are in order and would love to see one with the blue highly darkened to a dull grey and some playfull colours. I think the headphones could use some polish but its very gorgeous. Really nice lines and really "hip". Groovy.
I like the way your wolf looks sort-of wicked! Could you give us a few different colored versions? (maybe red,silver and black?)
sure thing :-D
Very flashy and strong impact ! But can you show us what it looks like in other sizes ? The most important point is that it looks good in 22x22 for example as it will mostly be seen in the systray, so a good looking icon that's ugly in small size is pointless. The contest conditions are clear, try to respect them ...
Sorry, I was in a rush to upload. I had this idea floating around for a bit but I didn't really solidify it till last night. I saw a few of the entries and wanted to post it while it was still fresh. I will have the size samples hopefully later tonight.