Description: While GIMP is starting to become a great tool and I got tired of switching to windows to do some Photoshop work. I though I gave it another go.
It frustrated me that it took me a lot of time to find the right tools so I crafted a Toolbox icon theme similar (specialty GIMP's native cropping tool icon I couldn't remember)
After it was done I thought I'd share it so other people who used Photoshop could benefit from this.
I Included: - a Keyboard shortcut RC file that matched photoshops keyboard shortcuts ( - my personal perspective that looks a lot like PS's default. - A config file that rearranged the order of the tools in the toolbox
That screenshot may speak for itself.
All files go into /home/{username}/.gimp-2.x/
LEGAL NOTE: All the icons in the theme where crafted by GIMP but I used multiple screenshots of Photoshop I found on Google to use as a template. All the icons are slightly different but if this is still an issue that I am afraid that I am the only one benefiting from this work. But at least I cared to share.
I am truly happy that you made this available for use. It makes a lot more sense the way you have it laid out as I am a PS user for many, many years. It has made my transition to GIMP and Linux a bit more smooth now. How easy would it be to change the colors of the theme to a dark grey?
Ratings & Comments
9 Reaaly nice :) compliments.
9 Well done ;)
may i ask what your font configuration is like? cos that looks very smooth and crisp
Looks great! But, it seems like you've forgotten to include the pattern_stamp_tool.png file, so there's no icon for the perspective clone tool. ;)
I am truly happy that you made this available for use. It makes a lot more sense the way you have it laid out as I am a PS user for many, many years. It has made my transition to GIMP and Linux a bit more smooth now. How easy would it be to change the colors of the theme to a dark grey?