KDE Flyer (Deutsch)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Die deutsche Übersetzung von Flavios KDE Flyer. (Leicht abgeändert im Gegensatz zum Original)
2005/09/01: New PDF version uploaded. (thanks to Harald Sitter for prividing it!)
01.09.2005: Neue PDF Version hinaufgeladen (Danke an Harald Sitter für das zur Verfügung stellen!).
2005/07/26: Corrected 'some' spelling errors.
26.07.2005: Einige Rechtschreibfehler korrigiert.
2005/07/18: Added some improvements and a PDF download (both provided by Harald Sitter).
18.07.2005: Einige kleine í„nderungen vorgenommen und PDF hinzugefügt (beides zu Verfügung gestellt von Harald Sitter).
Ratings & Comments
Hi, Your server might be down, asa I can't download the files...
Some comments about the layout (I've looked at the pdf version): * Forced Blocksatz as in the paragraph at the bottom is a typographic sin of the worst kind. Please don't do that. * There are too many fonts used in the flyer. for "weitere informationen auf" use a font that is already in use. * spationing of www.kde.org is too wide. make the font bolder, but don't force such unnatural spaces.
I didn't cerate the layout, so don't complain to me ;)
I know you're innocent - my comments were meant as an incentive to improve it ;-)
Please update with correct spelling: * "Standard", not "Standart"; * insert a comma in "Anwendungen, die..."; * correctly capitalize "freie Alternative"; * insert a Comma in "Programmierern, die..."; Also, I suggest to replace "verstreut" with "verteilt"... Nice initiative!
I'll try to do ASAP.
The Scribus template is corrected and uploaded. Maybe somebody could provide a PDF? I heaven't got the time to create one. :)
It's great to see my flyer translated in german! p.s. please provide a PDF download, I don't have the right fonts installed.
PDF added. Thanks to Harald Sitter for providing it!