I created these to compliment my Shadowplay theme and thaught I should upload them separately for anyone looking for menu buttons.Included are:UbuntuKubuntuLubuntuMacbuntuMintDenbianFedoraSuSeGentooLinuxSlackwareLinux 2BlankThe blank orb is for use in creating new orbs for any distros I haven't covered.Enjoy.Credit to the authors of the respective logos, all compositing and art aside from logos themselves was done by me.Update: Added Macbuntu Icon.Update: Added Slackware Icon.
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best
how about different colored versions of the whole pack? green, red, purple and black for example
??? :)
Done and done ^^
Thank you!
Can you add a button for Macbuntu
Macbuntu added. I went with the most profesional looking logo I could find, I hope its the right one. Enjoy ^^