Description: Tango Mod. All credit goes the original author. Goes well with
Great colour sets, but do you have any plans to release icons in lower resolutions? If you don't have the time, I'll give it a go in a few weeks when I've finished my current Project. Cheerrs for releasing them here.
Ratings & Comments
Great colour sets, but do you have any plans to release icons in lower resolutions? If you don't have the time, I'll give it a go in a few weeks when I've finished my current Project. Cheerrs for releasing them here.
no I don't. I made these long ago and had them on and I'm just putting them here because people have asked for them.
Hi, can you please tell me what script are you using in the terminal to output your system information? cheers.
#!/bin/bash ##### ##### iphitus' screenshot script :D ##### #####RENAME THIS FILSE EXTENSION FROM .txt to .sh #####-edit as needed #####-execute from a terminal or run dialog with #####sh # screenshot dir ssdir="$HOME/" # screenshot description ssdesc="$HOME/" # screenshot format ss=`date +%d%m%Y`.png # Extra hdd details? hdddetails=0 # Use comments file? comments=0 # Automatically grab gnome theme info autognome=1 #echo #date echo echo "Kernel: `uname -r`" #echo "Distro: `cat /etc/*release`" source /etc/lsb-release echo "Distro: $DISTRIB_ID $DISTRIB_RELEASE $DISTRIB_CODENAME" echo "Uptime: `uptime |cut --delimiter=" " -f 2`" echo ___________________________________________________________________ echo "CPU: `grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo|cut --delimiter=":" -f 2`" echo "Speed: `grep "cpu MHz" /proc/cpuinfo|cut --delimiter=":" -f 2` mhz" echo "Bogomips: `grep "bogomips" /proc/cpuinfo|cut --delimiter=":" -f 2` bogomips" echo ___________________________________________________________________ let memtotal=`grep "MemTotal" /proc/meminfo|cut -c 12-22|indent -i0`/1024 echo "Memory Total: $memtotal mb" let memfree=`grep "MemFree" /proc/meminfo|cut -c 12-22|indent -i0`/1024 let memcache=`grep "Cached" /proc/meminfo|cut -c 12-22|indent -i0` let memcache=$memcache/1024 let memfreetotal=$memfree+$memcache echo "Memory Free: $memfreetotal mb" echo ___________________________________________________________________ #echo "Graphics: `grep "Product" /proc/fb0/vbe_info|cut --delimiter=" " -f 5`" cat /proc/driver/nvidia/version echo ___________________________________________________________________ if [ $autognome == 1 ]; then echo "GTK2: `gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme`" echo "Metacity: `gconftool-2 --get /apps/metacity/general/theme`" echo "Icons: `gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/interface/icon_theme`" # echo "Titlebar Font: `gconftool-2 --get /apps/metacity/general/titlebar_font`" echo "Application Font: `gconftool-2 --get /desktop/gnome/interface/font_name`" echo "Terminal Font: `gconftool-2 --get /apps/gnome-terminal/profiles/Default/font`" fi sleep 2 import -window root $ss echo exit 0