The pack include icons for:
1 - Banshee
2 - Compiz
3 - Emesene
4 - Exaile
5 - Filezilla
6 - Frostwire
7 - Gnome (the simple gnome feet)
8 - Google Earth
9 - Home map
10 - Global MSN icon
11 - OO.o Calc
12 - OO.o Draw
13 - OO.o Impress
14 - OO.o icon
15 - Google Picassa
16 - Shutdown button
17 - Talking guy icon (can be used for a messenger client)
18 - Terminal (icon 1)
19 - Terminal (icon 2)
20 - Trash clean
21 - Trash full
22 - Ekiga (phone icon can be used for all voip messengers if you want)
23 - Windows logo (can be used for wine or a virtualbox)
24 - XChat
25 - XP logo (i use it for my XP virtualbox starter)
I hope you like it! And if you like it please leave a comment so i know where im doing this for. If you have some suggestions or requests you can ask for it, maybe i will make it

All the credits go to servechilled for his great pack of elegant brit icons. You can download them at the link to his page

Ratings & Comments
This is a beautiful theme. I'm currently editing this theme to include some colors.
Thanks for this cool icon set!