just merged faenza style with the hotot icon from their ppa.now packed in tar.gz for better download ability.credits go to http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Faenza?content=128143and the hotot team
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like both two
not too bad. thx
thx for your replies. now the icon is packed in tar.gz for better download ability. have fun.
I can't download the icon I just can download the original hotot icon :S
if you click on download there opens a svg-image. thats what i actually created :) nothing more nothing less ;)
I can't download it either. Firefox recognizes it as a png that looks just like the normal Hotot icon.
I had to view the source of the image and then save the xml to a file to get the image as it should be.
hahahaha I love it :D