Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Blue variant of area o4.2 for gnome with some add and mod..
I hope you like it.. Last changelog:
I hope you like it..
Ver 1.0:
-new folder icon
-new mediacontrol icon
-new actions icon: tab-new, window-new, document-new, folder-new, open and save.
-some other bug fixed...
Ratings & Comments
Is there any possibility of you putting this set out in red or orange, etc.-- some different colours? I'd be using this theme for sure if it was in a different colour. I know it's a lot of work, just putting it out there though.. again, excellent, one of the best icon themes ever without question.
On your screenshot, that bar on top that shows kernel, cpu, mem, net traffic....what is it? it's really neat. and if it has a theme, what is the theme also? thanks!
Hello, i just wanted to say that your area icons are very unique and non traditional. This is a good thing! :) I like the break from tradition when art is concerned. Extremely nice very unusual and appealing. coz
Ciao, mi piace molto la barra con i vari monitor di sistema. Dove l'hai trovata? Grazie mille. Alex
Grazie.. Per la barra (che non è una barra ma nn saprei come definirla) uso Conky.. Lo script è questo: double_buffer yes own_window yes own_window_transparent no own_window_type normal own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager draw_borders no border_margin 2 draw_shades no gap_x 0 gap_y 32 alignment top_left update_interval 1 default_color cecece #464646 per uniformità con nova black own_window_colour 333333 use_xft yes xftfont Calibri:size=8 xftalpha 1.0 use_spacer no minimum_size 1280 0 maximum_width 1280 mpd_host localhost mpd_port 6600 TEXT Kernel: ${color A8CCF0}$kernel ${color CFDFEF}| ${color}Processi: ${color A8CCF0}$processes ${color}Attivi: ${color A8CCF0}${running_processes}${if_running httpd}${color CFDFEF} | ${color}HTTP$endif ${if_running mysqld}${color CFDFEF}| ${color}SQL$endif ${if_running proftpd}${color CFDFEF} | ${color}FTP$endif${if_running server_linux}${color CFDFEF} | ${color}TS$endif ${color CFDFEF}| ${color}Cpu: ${color}${color 333333}${voffset 1}${cpugraph 10,50 A8CCF0 A8CCF0}${voffset -1} ${color CFDFEF}| ${color }Mem: ${color 333333}${voffset 1}${memgraph 10,50 A8CCF0 A8CCF0}${voffset -1} ${color CFDFEF}| ${color }Net:${color A8CCF0} ↘ ${color}${color 333333}${voffset 1}${downspeedgraph eth2 10,50 A8CCF0 A8CCF0}${voffset -1} ${color A8CCF0} ↗ ${color}${color 333333}${voffset 1}${upspeedgraph eth2 10,50 A8CCF0 A8CCF0}${voffset -1} ${color CFDFEF}| ${color}IP: ${color A8CCF0}${addr eth2}${voffset -1} ${color CFDFEF}| ${color}ROOT: ${color A8CCF0}${fs_bar 3,100 /} Da salvare nella tua home con il nome .conkyrc
Gentilissimo, grazie! :) Alex
This is a great theme but the up, forward, and back action icons could stand to be changed IMHO. They just don't fit in with the rest of the theme, both in terms of size and general appearance. Simpler icons, e.g. based on the "<" and ">" symbols (with right angles) might be better. (Also, it might be good to add some 16x16 icons, so that the toolbar icons aren't so huge on low-resolution displays.)
Yes I know.. I'll work for it..
Nice icons :) What is your gtk and metacity themes?
Thanks.. The gtk themes is Nova (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Nova?content=57310) and the Metacity is arsen (http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/arsen?content=45954)