***FIXED ---> icon size too big...this smal...cute icons size

this pidgin folder to your pidgin folder in /usr/share/pixmaps/
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
pidgin_osx (reload done)-> http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Pidgin_osX?content=58752
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i download the file to my desktop extraxt it , then i went to computer>file system>Usr>share>pixmap i find folder call pidgin , i was trying to replace it with new one but i wont let me do that "you do not have permition to write to this folder" or something like that ! do i need to do this via terminal ? if so whats a code?
u need to be root to replace the folder... Right click on the folder to see if there are any entries in Scripts like 'Root Nautilus here'. If so use that. Otherwise try Alt + F2 for run window and type sudo nautilus <Folder name> e.g.: sudo nautilus /usr/share/pixmaps
gksudo nautilus or sudo apt-get install krusader gksudo krusader
How EXACTLY do I replace my pidgin folder? Is this done through the console, since root access is needed to change that folder?
Thanks all... XD
Great theme !!
great work, I realy like it, thank you
install lm-sensor :) **thanks for download**
how did u get those thermometers in your gnome panel?
small size problem fixed...more cute :) ha,ha..lol..
Its only the notification icon i think is a bit big(but... thats a minor detail), the rest is perfect :) Thank you.
1.i like it is bigger....we can see clearly ....best with gnome-panel size = 27.....hm......i will try to make smaller theme next time.... 2.i don't configure anything....it is automatically done for yahoo ..... :) thanks for download....
First of all great work...but i'm wondering for one more thing...i can see in your screenshot that some of yours users have a message under their nickname, is it the MSS Messenger personal message?and if how did u manage to have that?
Nice theme :) Thanks... since the defaults really suck :). But is it me or they are a big big ?