Tango-Generator 2
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work): - Updated some broken URLs.
0.2.6 - Updated tangerine icons, fixed a few pixel bugs. Run 'rm -rf ~/.tango-generator' after downloading to upgrade.
0.2.5 - Added network manager icons, beryl & emerald icons, fixed broken links, added a few additional icons. Cleaned up some code elsewhere. The upgrade should be fairly seamless this time.
0.2.1 - fixed another stupid bug.
0.2 - Synced packages with upstream, updated listen icons, cleaned up index.theme, switched openoffice packages, added many additional icons, added Tango GTK Icons as option, fixed emblem placement, fixed numerous crashes. Many things are changed in this release, so you should run 'rm -rf ~/.tango-generator' in the console before first run to see all updates. - Improved handling of gimp installations, fixed error when gconf editor is selected but not the cpu applet.
0.1.7 - Vastly improved priorities robustness. Improved XFCE support & drew & added image-position-size icon.
0.1.6(.1) - Fixed various bugs that shouldn't have existed...
0.1.6 - Fixed gimp removal bug.
0.1.5 - Big Update:
Changed to correct 'robots' icon. Drawn and added new dia & gnome-planner. Updated trunk icons (gnome, tango). Improved support for fedora Core 6. Added bluetooth & firewall icons. Improved lock/key metaphors.
To Upgrade to this release you'll need to run 'rm ~/.tango-generator/archives/gnome.tar.gz' at the terminal.
0.1.2 - added a few more icons and additional sizes of others. You'll need to run "rm -rf ~/.tango-generator/archives/custom-app-icons/" if you're upgrading.
0.1.1 - Corrected Tango Materia and finishing installation after installing additional icon packages.
0.1 - initial release of version 2 (Version 1 quickly became unmaintainable).
Ratings & Comments
Hi, I've been using tango-generator for months, pleased to see you're still working on it. But I'm afraid I cannot help in any of the mentioned point =(.
Thanks! Wait anxiously :D
the link is broken T_T
I'm reworking pretty much the entire app to make it more robust, reliable, and extensible, as well as adding to and completing the themes. It hope it'll be done by Christmas, but I can't make any guarantees.
hi, I hope I'm not duplication information here, but these are my suggestions: Device icons. Many icons are generated, but the gnome default icons do not point to them. For example gnome-dev-media-sdmmc.png do not point to media-memory-sd-mmc.png, but to the generic media-flash.png. updates-notifier-inactive.png is not generated, therefore for example in ubuntu when you are actually updating through update manager, the icon in the tray falls back to the default icon. I don't know if there is a specific icon out there, so I simply desaturated updates-notifier.png. Glipper icon (/usr/share/pixmaps/glipper.png) is tango, but comes only 24x24 Referencer icon (/usr/share/pixmaps/referencer.svg) instead comes only with an svg Other applications missing tango icons: gscan2pdf pybliographic amule/amulegui partition editor well, that's all, keep up with the good work!
Can you please use the same command I gave greyslim above so I can know the names of the appropriate icon files?
Fair enough with the CrashBit. That would explain why they didn't appeal so much (tried 'em but didn't keep them or examine too closely why they didn't look as hot as they could've). But in response to your call for un-Tangoized apps, here's what I found in my menu (might overlap with other postings for which I apologize, but I don't have the time to comb 200+ comments, and I'm assuming if you're keeping a running list it should be fairly trivial to spot duplicates...): GnoCHM(/CHM Viewer) Conduit (Is Tango, but looks very out of place...not sharp enough?) "Manage Print Jobs" (In Accessories on Ubuntu) Specto (Possibly Tango colors, but not guidelines) Gweled Open Arena Cegeda Video Arcade Agave (I've seen a Tango icon for this somewhere) Gcolor2 Gnome Baker OGMRip Miro (I think...) VLC Hotwire (Possibly Tango, but not sharp if so) Ubuntu Tweak (not even sure where I got this to be honest) Wine Doors Wine: Browse C:\ Drive Configure Wine Uninstall Wine Software This isn't a particular request by any means. Just a summary of the icons on my system that are missing or not fully up to the standards of the rest of the Tango stuff on my system IMO. IIRC I generated this theme shortly after an update to Tango Generator 2 also, though I don't remember exactly what options I used.
Cheers for that. The third major revision should be along soon (within a couple of weeks, so I'm not going to try and bother updating the 2nd version to actually work with changed package locations and Gnome 2.20), and I'll do my best to include what I can. If you have the time, I'd appreciate the names of icons that each of those use (some should be easy to install, but the bloat from installing all the apps the generator supports is a real pain, as is managing virtual machine disk space etc). You can do that easily enough by opening gnome-terminal, typing 'cat ', dragging the shortcut on and then adding '| grep Icon=' before pressing enter.
gnochm.png | GnoCHM(/CHM Viewer) conduit | Conduit (Is Tango, but looks very out of place...not sharp enough?) /usr/share/system-config-printer/applet.png | "Manage Print Jobs" (In Accessories on Ubuntu) specto | Specto (Possibly Tango colors, but not guidelines) gweled | Gweled openarena128.png | Open Arena Cedega.xpm | Cegeda gnome-video-arcade | Video Arcade agave-icon.png | Agave (I've seen a Tango icon for this somewhere) /usr/share/pixmaps/gcolor2/gcolor2.xpm | Gcolor2 gnomebaker-48 | Gnome Baker ogmrip.png | OGMRip miro-72x72.png | Miro (I think...) vlc | VLC hotwire | Hotwire (Possibly Tango, but not sharp if so) /usr/share/ubuntu-tweak/pixmaps/ubuntu-tweak.png | Ubuntu Tweak (not even sure where I got this to be honest) wine-doors | Wine Doors Wine: wine-winefile | Browse C:\ Drive wine-winecfg | Configure Wine wine-uninstaller | Uninstall Wine Software Let me know if you want anything else. I don't actually understand how some of those icons are getting pulled, so if you need me to dig for other directory names or anything I'd be glad to. (I know that not specifying a path lets a theme change app icons, but I don't understand how some of these more obscure apps would be using non-generic icons that aren't themed unless the install process puts them in hicolor and all/most themes inherit hicolor or something...)
Two other quick things. One, I forgot to check to recieve email replies on the last message. >.< Two, this might be getting more complicated than you care for or than the situation warrants, but I imagine it would be possible to somehow automatically "patch" .desktop files with hard-coded icon paths to use themed icons. Judicious use of ls cat and grep, looking for Exec lines to match specific applications, copying the path of the existing icon, copying that icon to hicolor or where ever the icons without hard-coded paths are stored, then changing the Icon entry to use the generic name so that the generator cover it, but if the user goes back to a non-generator theme, they're still covered. Different distros that use different .desktop file names should be covered since the Exec line shouldn't really be changing, and all the other parts of the .desktop file are left intact. I'm sure if you're interested in functionality like that there's a better way than ls grep and cat though, but just wanted to throw it out there if you thought it was a fitting and worthwhile feature to add; myself, I'm fine with tweaking my .desktop files manually after installing the generated theme if that's what it takes. :P
You were nearly there in the non-specified path bit - icons are generally placed in /usr/share/hicolor/[size]/apps/ or /usr/share/pixmaps, with precedence in that order, and all themes do inherit hicolor. I actually already implement a system very similar to what you described, but it works very transparently and does not yet cover all potential icons. Essentially I copy a version of the .desktop to ~/.local/applications, but replace the Icon= line. It searches iteratively in a few directories for these shortcuts using the same approach as gnome-menu-editor. A copy of the original icon is then put in a hicolor theme in the user's ~/.icons/ directory, which is hidden so they can't select it, and is used as a fallback when the current theme doesn't specify a modified icon. This has the added advantage of not requiring root access and being very easy to reverse. It shouldn't be much trouble to add most of those icons, so look forward to the new release in 1-2 weeks.
Just in case you're too busy to keep up on new Tango themes, there's two new ones, Discovery http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Discovery+Icon+Theme?content=69950 and CrashBit http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/CrashBit+Icons+%28aka+gTango%29?content=66757 newly released. Would *super* love to see Discovery added to the generator, to be able to get all the app coverage Discovery doesn't have. :D
Discovery will be included in the next release, but CrashBit doesn't seem to follow the guidelines or spec from what I can tell. I've decided to restrict the generator only to specifically Tango themes, to prevent it bloating out of control and losing the cohesive look of the themes it generates.
These icons where missing: Nerolinux Vlc Camorama Deluge Transmission Moiosms Spe Htop Virtualbox Screenlets manager Synaptic touchpad and i'm searching for others ;) Btw good work
Thanks for the list - most of those will be included in the next version. Let me know if you find any more.
when the next release come out? thanks :=)
At the moment it's unfortunately largely dependant on me getting hosting sorted out. I'd hope within the next month, although that may overrun.
Ok :) take your time ;)
The link is broken? Are there any links available?
Not a reporting of size errors! I was wondering if, when you release the next version, you could tweak the .icon files for folders at least so that emblems for open folders and folders that are being dragged onto stay in the same place as they are in the folder's normal state. It's been a while since I've used the default .icon files, but if I remember correctly, the normal state has the emblems placed starting from the lower left, but when hovering over or dragging to a folder, it jumps to the upper right, and outside of the normal bounds of the icon too, causing the icons to rearrange themselves slightly. I don't remember exactly what tweaks I made, but I believe it was just copying the placement info out of the .icon file for the normal folder in scalable and pasting it into two or three other folder icon state .icon files. Either way, thanks for the generator. I can't use any other icon theme now. :)
I've currently got this working experementally. The previous release simply used information available in the icon themes selected (transforming placement between icon sizes), but situations such as the one you've mentioned mean I will most likely hack in some sensible defaults.
Hi, this tango icon looks great! However, the link seems already broken. How can I get the package? Thanks!
Just wait a few weeks, and there will be a new version up.
Hi,I like this tango icon very much! However, the link seems to be broken? How can I get the package? Thanx!
Hi, I've already prove this program in ubuntu and I have only one thing to say, I love it... but I have a big problem for running it in Etch, at the end of the installation stops suddenly.... According to the terminal output I think that is 'cause the URL for installing OpenOffice icon theme doesn't exist, can you check this?