Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This icon set will be FreeDesktop.org’s Icon Theme Specification and Icon Naming Specification compliant. And also, as far as i know, will be the first icon set introduing an easy way to recolor the icons by doing all the lights and shadows in different and locked layers (which can be unlocked, of course) and leaving unlocked only the layers that contain the plain colors, in most cases gradients won’t be used.
Check the original announcement at my site: http://www.silvestre.com.ar/
*0.1.2 - Fixed a stupid bug. An arrow that should be pointing down was pointing to the left.
*0.1.1 - Just added a couple symlinks for the 16x16 mimetypes.
*0.1.0 - Smaller (16x16) mimetypes and devices avalable!.
*0.0.4 - No big deal here, only PNG files to deal with the performance issues some of you reported . Also, I exported then to bigger sizes than 24x24 as requested.
*0.0.3 - New devices, mimetypes and applications again!
*0.0.2 - A small update, with new devices, mimetypes and apps. Enjoy!
*0.0.1 - First PREVIEW release.
Please, please do not judge this icon set for its completeness, this is a work in progress which still has a long way to go. For this icon set. I've decided not to produce as many icons as I can, instead I want to produce a really high quality theme, which will take a lot of time and effort.
*next,previous,down,up,stop and a couple mimetypes
*added a couple new icons, such as the desktop and some folders.
Ratings & Comments
9 every thing is perfect in my opinion, but I am not a fan of the back and forward icons
Hi! I created these if someone is interested: http://sites.google.com/site/vesukka/kuvakkeita
BTW. Fantastic icons :D But you should take "Gartoon Redux" as a role model because author create Gartoon version icons for all gnome icons :D
Please fix it to be fully compatible with new GNOME because many icons are missing.
Nice one! Worth a +!:)
using fedora 8 here and the firefox links aren't updated and getting the rather dull default look. When i enable the same icon theme in ubuntu it shows the new icon. Any ideas?
I love these icons, still my no.1! Hope there are comin updates for this excellent set, becaue firefox3 don't use your folder icons (tested with ubuntu hardy).
I love the icons. Keep em' coming.
Excellent work, one of the best icon themes
Thx for this release, I will update the gnome-themes-extras package soon ;) You can notice they are on gnome officially! Bye, Cimi
Just one thing... you updated just 16x16/mimetypes and 16x16/devices? It's easier to maintain the gnome package if you help me
Cimi!, yeah, I just added 16x16 symlinks and a couple 16x16 devices :) ... BTW, I just uploaded 0.1.1 that adds a few missing symlinks, get it at the same URL :P
I'm not using symlinks. as I'm compiling icons with icon-naming-utils
this is a super icon theme! working for a next version, please :-) cu Richard
You have to add the gtk-apply.png icons (in 22x22 and 24x24), like gtk-ok etc .. This theme is very cool :)
I'm using firefox all tha day and it would be wonderfull to have the same icons in firefox and in gnome. So could anybody make theme for firefox with Giøn icons?
This icon set is great, keep up the good work.
The icon set is one of my favorites, but I want to see a updated version with more apps icons (Feed reader, Totem...) and a new media player icon (Rhymthbox), the current one doesnt make justice to the overall quality of the theme! Keep up the good work
i'm not sure about the cursors and such but everything else looks wonderful! keep up this cool icon-set ;)
I like it,thx
WOW!!! I really like this icon set. Thanx for your work, Ertz ;-)
PNG version! Thanks Now this is fast ;)
promising icon theme... keep up the good work
It looks more mature and finished now. I will use it some time. thanks for your efforts. PD;// I do not know if actually there are more directory colors, but that can be a good addition (I, personally, hate the shitty brown ... I am sorry)
Nice work, especially rhythm box what most of the icon makers forgot.