Vibrant SVG
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Version 9.7 (July 2009)
- Simplified edit-redo.svg
- Simplified edit-undo.svg
- Added accessories-calculator.svg
- Added accessories-character-map.svg
- Added accessories-dictionary.svg
- Added applets-screenshooter.svg
- Added apport.svg
- Added baobab.svg
- Added ekiga.svg
- Added fspot.svg
- Added gconf-editor.svg
- Added gnome-sound-recorder.svg
- Added ooo-calc.svg
- Added ooo-draw.svg
- Added ooo-impress.svg
- Added ooo-writer.svg
- Added pidgin.svg
- Added rhythmbox.svg
- Added scanner.svg
- Added system-users.svg
- Added tomboy.svg
- Added totem.svg
- Added transmission.svg
- Addee tsclient.svg
- Added user-info.svg
- Updated help-browser.svg
- Added applications-others.svg
- Added printer.svg
Ratings & Comments
Can somebody port this icon set to KDE, please. Or at least give me a tip how can I do it myself? The problem is that they are in *.svg and I don't know how to convert them all at once to png.
Great job on this icon set, thank your for your fine work. The only icon that I doesn't really go is the sound icon. All of the other ones are vibrant, whereas the sound is just black and flat.
i love the color blue and orange,you just done a good job.you are so great!
Excellent work!! Very nice. Only, it miss the folders in Home (like music, download and so on), but realy a very, very nice work!
I made an account, just to say this: This Icon theme just rocks, it looks nice with dark themes (SlicknesS, for example) Thank you so much for sharing your great work, excelent color concept indeed.
Thanks a lot man, I've been doing some more icons but haven't completed yet! And I also like dark themes!
I've always liked these, but they're still missing a lot. Can you continue adding to these and get them into the most complete set you can?
That's the idea! I'm going through my own desktop, trying to replace every menu item. Please help me out on which icons should have more priority!
Nice icon set but beause of the perspective I personally think it's best suited if you have icons on the right side of the screen, I have them on the left.
mostly reverts to the GNOME standards. Naming peculiarities? Was this done mostly in Ubuntu?
Yes, it was done in Ubuntu, however, I'm trying to get as many symlinks as possible to ensure compatibility. Please tell me if you find more issues on this release.
seriously one of the best...
i love this theme. i'm not sure why, but the trash applet icon on the gnome-panel always reverts to the green tango icon.
Nice work - the icons are clean, clear and fun!
like the icons... How do you change the size of the icons?
This icon set is the best on gnome-look by far, but it could be even better with a nicer volume control applet icon and the firefox icon which actually has a fox in (or something different to the default globe). Apart from those two icons i can't complain at all, I have a feeling this will be my theme for a loooong time
I *LOOOVE* this set! It's beautiful! But you're missing the FTP folder icon :P it makes my ftp shortcuts look reeeally bland, hehe. Keep up the good work!
Awsome, I am brand new to ubuntu but this is the coolest icon set I have seen yet!! Only wish I knew how to install it! They should put an instruction link on here for noobs! Great icons, keep it going!
Oh, it's quite easy. You can do it two ways: 1. Download the file and open your theme Preferences. Drag and drop the file onto the window and install it, then you can select it from the Theme Details window. 2. Download the file, unpackage it, move the resulting folder to your home directory, and put it under the .themes directory (note that the name starts with a dot, so it's a hidden folder), then select it from the Theme Details window in the Theme Preferences.
Vecino, muy buenos los íconos, me gusta mucho especialmente las carpetas :) Saludos desde la casa de al lado, Argentina :P
Gracias! Seguiré trabajando en ésto :D (Thanks, I'll keep working on this)
So, you wanna know what I miss the most: After few seconds of using it: USB hard drive icon, ftp/ssh folder... and some icons of the categories in the Applications menu :)
Good job. Best icon theme ever seen. Please do not give up.
the trash is so round :) good work...