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Tubularix is a free opensource game similar to Tetris seen from a tubular perspective. Game's rules and behavior are very similar to the Tetris ones. It's written in c++ with the Qt 4 libraries.
The game can be run on GNU/Linux, Windows or Mac.

Instalation/running instructions on the README file.
Last changelog: (2011-06-17)
-Fixed a bug in the color selection that can make the game crash with some Qt versions.
-Removed path from tubularix.desktop, which can cause the game not to start.
-Added credits in about.
-Some little bugfixes. (2010-10-12)
-Color degradation configuration added in options dialog.
-Apply button added in options dialog, mainly to allow color changes to be tested faster in the gameboard.
-New color preset added.
-AI for player 2 disabled in network game.
-Help about mouse control and network game added.
-Czech translation updated.
-Some bugs fixed. (2010-09-07)
-Network game added.
-New mouse control types added.
-New color preset added.
-A lot of bugfixes and code cleanups. (2010-08-05)
-Fixed a bug that caused gameboard to be hidden with some new versions of Qt.
-Added mouse control. It must be activated in Options->Activate mouse movement. Piece is moved with the mouse wheel, dropped with the left key and rotated with the right key.
-Added color presets in color configuration screen. (2010-05-09)
-Fixed size and position setting that caused problems at least in windows xp. (2010-05-01)
-Czech translation added.
-Tubularix icon attached to tubularix.exe.
-Added more rotation styles and changed it's selection place to the options dialog, settings tab.
-Selected rotation style is saved for next execution. (2010-04-23)
-Added the possibility to drop the piece (B key for player 1, X key for player 2).
-Performance greatly improved thanks to repainting only changes, instead of all the gameboard, so now the game is perfectly playable with antialias activated.
-Added a basic ai, activable in the options menu for every player, so now it's possible to play against computer or set tubularix in demo mode for one or two players.
-Added an option to change rotation mode to classic tetris.
-Added an option in game type selection to give the same pieces to both players or not.
-Added an option in game type selection to send one line to the oponent's scenario every two destroyed lines.
-Changed predefined size of tetris mode to 23x10.
-Added a splitter between the two gameboards to make them redimensionable.
-Some oxygen icons added.
-Lots of bugs fixed.

Ratings & Comments



Nice game! Quite disorienting at first :)


Esto es una puta mierda. Programador del palo. This is a holy shit


Hello, Thankz for this verry nice game. I ported to Os/2, but when i play the game and have a new highscore it's not updating, i use debug and see this... U:\QT4_Progs\tubularix\debug>tubularix.exe QSettings: failed to set subkey "HighScores5\score3": Error 87 QWaitCondition: Destroyed while threads are still waiting Some users say it;s missing up the registery and could not set highscores any more. Any thoughts ?


Hi, thanks for porting the game. Does the game store settings like window size or last game mode correctly? If it doesn't, the problem should be QSettings itself and I don't know how to solve it, as I've never used OS/2 and I don't even know if QSettings should work in OS/2. I found this: http://svn.netlabs.org/qt4/timeline?from=2009-07-07T14:09:02+0200&precision=second 06/27/2009: 23:40 Changeset [63] by dmik corelib: OS/2: QSettings: Use QLatin1String(). Maybe adding this code: for(int i = 0; i < stringListSize; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < stringList[i].size(); j++) stringList[i][j] = stringList[i][j].toLatin1(); } at line 655 in mainwindow.cpp would solve the problem, or maybe you must convert some other QString to QLatin1String in other setting related places. Try this if you want and let me know if it works.


Hi, I tried this and now it's keeping the High scores. I send the modifeid exe to the guy that reported the problem and see whats he reported back, thanks for you're response :)


Hello, Thankz for this verry nice game. I ported to Os/2, but when i play the game and have a new highscore it's not updating, i use debug and see this... U:\QT4_Progs\tubularix\debug>tubularix.exe QSettings: failed to set subkey "HighScores5\score3": Error 87 QWaitCondition: Destroyed while threads are still waiting Some users say it;s missing up the registery and could not set highscores any more. Any thoughts ?


Hi, thanks for porting the game. Does the game store settings like window size or last game mode correctly? If it doesn't, the problem should be QSettings itself and I don't know how to solve it, as I've never used OS/2 and I don't even know if QSettings should work in OS/2. I found this: http://svn.netlabs.org/qt4/timeline?from=2009-07-07T14:09:02+0200&precision=second 06/27/2009: 23:40 Changeset [63] by dmik corelib: OS/2: QSettings: Use QLatin1String(). Maybe adding this code: for(int i = 0; i < stringListSize; i++) { for(int j = 0; j < stringList[i].size(); j++) stringList[i][j] = stringList[i][j].toLatin1(); } at line 655 in mainwindow.cpp would solve the problem, or maybe you must convert some other QString to QLatin1String in other setting related places. Try this if you want and let me know if it works.

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