Description: Simple yet entertaining board game based on Bomberman Wars. Each team is given a set of units. Players takes turns to move their team and throw bombs. The aim is to eliminate the 'king' unit. Each type of unit has it's own abilities (further moves or throws). There's no AI yet, so the game is hot-seat.
This is an early release! The game lacks lots of functionality the original game provided, but it's quite playable already. It uses low res images and poor graphics but should be adoptable to screen resolution in later releases - stay tuned! Game is now written in QML/JavaScript. It uses QtQuick 2.0 so requires Qt5. Sources can be easily compiled for Linux, for Windows there's a binary package and dependency package. Just unpack both into same directory. To update the game just download fresh game package and extract it into the old installation dir.Last changelog:
v0.4 Early public realease. Basic features enough to play simple game.
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1 Comment
GSOM!!! GSOM!!!!11