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A jigsaw puzzle game that uses tetrominoes for the pieces. Any image can be imported and used to create puzzles with a wide range of sizes. Games are saved automatically, and you can select between currently in progress games.
Last changelog:

Version 2.1.6

* FIXE Did not load locales with underscores
* Improved Windows deployment
* Replaced deprecated code

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This is a cute idea. A bug I found is that the area "under" the rotated (right-click) piece is not correctly cleared. This makes play very difficult at best. You might look at my java front end for xjig, (erroneously?) posted on OK, it's java but the UI has some stuff which could be nice in tetzle as well such as: 1. New game image pane is filled in a background thread. UI is there immediately. Image conversions are backgrounded as well (from most anything to those zjig accepts using imagemagick). Qt4 is supposed to be good at this. 2. Resizing--show and make puzzle practical size. Calculations in background as well. 3. Good starting piece-size calculation (figures sent to xjig command line). 4. An image librarian (gravy). 5. Screen captures (more gravy).


I am unable to reproduce this bug. It doesn't even seem possible, because I clear the OpenGL surface before rendering the pieces every time you move or rotate a piece. If instead you are referring to the fact that when you are holding a piece, rotating it doesn't shove the other pieces away, that was a gameplay decision: if the piece you are holding belongs on the opposite side of another one, you would have to circle around it to connect it, because trying to move over it would push it away. 1.) I will see what I can do. Qt 4 is good about threading, but as far as I am aware things relating to the GUI (such as creating OpenGL textures) have to be done in the GUI thread. However, I should at least be able to create the pieces in a new thread. 2.) It already does calculations on the fly when resizing the window--it keeps the pieces the same size. I view resizing as a way to get a larger play area, not a way to change the play area zoom. If you want to zoom in or out, there's the mouse wheel, the statusbar slider, and the "+" or "-" keys. 3.) The starting size is calculated to show you every piece of the board. Because zooming is so easy, I think when starting a new game it is more important to see the entire puzzle than it is to zoom in on it. 4.) It already tracks what images you have added to play puzzles with. Do you mean some kind of category system? 5.) KSnapshot, gnome-screenshot, xfce-screenshoter-plugin, Gimp's acquire screenshot ability, etc, already allow for screenshots of specific windows or the whole desktop, so I figured that adding in my own version would be a little redundant. Also, I understand that your game uses xjig and imagemagick, but mine uses neither, so some of your suggestions (while appreciated) wouldn't really work with my code. Thanks for the input!


>>A bug I found is that the area "under" the rotated (right-click) piece is not correctly cleared. This makes play very difficult at best.<< Found this in another such program as well! Problem must be in opengl/nvidia legacy driver since theat program can be actively set to not use opengl and the bug goes away. Now how do I get this to nvidia (and will they fix this for their older hardware)?


I installed an updated nvidia driver. Still has problem. Note that the piece is painted correctly but when I move the cursor away, then it gets bunged.


Could you provide some screenshots of what you mean?

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license GPLv3
version 2.1.6
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 0

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