*** ANNOUNCEMENT *** I'm looking for the following people: -C++ Developers -Packagers -Artists (Icon, Sidebar design) -Usability expert (UI design) See my contact information in my user information: http://www.kde-apps.org/usermanager/search.php?username=DarkShockLast changelog:
Gamefu 0.2-beta1: -Use CMake buildsystem -Threading framework (imported, cleaned and modified from Amarok) -Allow to cancel/stop Collection building -Generic plugin support -Plugin to fill images in database. -StatusBar and passive notification framework (still imported cleaned and modified from Amarok) -KIO Thumbnail plugin that show titlescreens for ROMs in Gamefu current database. -Gamefu_launch application that launch a ROM passed as command argument
----- Thanks to Nabuva for the Ubuntu package for 0.1.1!
Changes from 0.1: -Update the filters after the collection building. -Fix addition on ZIP file in the collection. -Fix the desktop file to display correctly in menu.
Changes for 0.1 release from 0.1-beta -Batch update of ROM metainformation -Filter behavior improvement
Features for 0.1 release -Use Qt SQLite plug-in for database support -Can filter collection based on System, Developer and Country filter. -Nice display on meta information in sidebar -Edit metainformation. -Delete and trash ROM files
i work in packagin for debian based distros, but i find this error..
kamefuview.cpp: En member function `void KamefuView::trashRoms(const
kamefuview.cpp:179: error: `trash' undeclared in namespace `KIO'
it seems that depends of kde 3.4 and above, but i wish to port to any kde suite, any suggest to change the delletion issue?
is kamefu brand, i need to port to sarge and kde 3.3 releases
this is the options parsing to configure in dpkg-build for debian:
# Add here commands to configure the package.
CFLAGS="-Wall -g -O2" ./configure --host=i386-linux --build=i386-linux --prefix=/usr --mandir=\${prefix}/share/man --infodir=\${prefix}/share/info
solved, kio trash is only in kde 3.4 and above, i fixup sending all to deleting.. for work on kde 3.2..
but, now, i have a mime conflicts with kde-addon-emulation package, on gba and gbc, cos in kamefu are two mimetypes for one tipe of roms (vba handle all gb* roms!)
firts, sorry for my englihs, i write a little fast!
i whis to know if i could take ur app and include into McKAY's massenkoh emu suite as but whit other name: Knintendo. (and as provides: GAmefu | kamefu) Why?:
-currenly only emulates Nintendo console systems (excep for mame)
about u'r requets, my knows of C & C++ are basic but if i can help, will be.
NOTE: ubuntu package are made bery bad!, dependences are lacks! I'm a good packager, so i will provide a package and i offert to us!
Excuse me, but it's so strange that the ubuntu package depends on libqt-mt-dev which is a dev package. It should depend on the headers package I think.So, well done however!
Downloaded and built this just fine. I also have xmame--with the same problems. Where do I get ROMs?
Might be a nice addition to this program--a browse to known, reliable ROM sources and downloading them!
I go a bunch before which do not work. Xmame simple list a bunch of unfound modules for each one I try. Kamefu flags an error and logs no ROMs.
May be the desktop file entry is wrong.
I correct it game and non games
Kamefu work good also in Kde 3.4
This is my desktop file
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Kamefu - KDE All-Machine Emulator Frontend for UNIX
Comment[bg]=Kamefu - KDE All-Machine Emulator Frontend за UNIX
Comment[da]=Kamefu - KDE's grænseflade for emulering af alle maskiner i UNIX
Comment[es]=Kamefu - Interfaz de emulación para cualquier máquina UNIX
Comment[gl]=Kamefu - Interface KDE de Emulador Universal para UNIX
Comment[nl]=Kamefu - Emulator-frontend voor KDE
Comment[it]=Kamefu - Emulatore di Giochi per KDE
Comment[pt]=Kamefu - Interface de Emulador para Todas as Máquinas do KDE
Comment[pt_BR]=Kamefu - Interface de Emulador para Todas as Máquinas do KDE
Comment[sr]=Kamefu - KDE-ово ли
Ratings & Comments
Hi, Is there a kde4/Qt4 port in progress ?
i work in packagin for debian based distros, but i find this error.. kamefuview.cpp: En member function `void KamefuView::trashRoms(const KURL::List&)': kamefuview.cpp:179: error: `trash' undeclared in namespace `KIO' it seems that depends of kde 3.4 and above, but i wish to port to any kde suite, any suggest to change the delletion issue? is kamefu brand, i need to port to sarge and kde 3.3 releases this is the options parsing to configure in dpkg-build for debian: # Add here commands to configure the package. CFLAGS="-Wall -g -O2" ./configure --host=i386-linux --build=i386-linux --prefix=/usr --mandir=\${prefix}/share/man --infodir=\${prefix}/share/info
solved, kio trash is only in kde 3.4 and above, i fixup sending all to deleting.. for work on kde 3.2.. but, now, i have a mime conflicts with kde-addon-emulation package, on gba and gbc, cos in kamefu are two mimetypes for one tipe of roms (vba handle all gb* roms!)
firts, sorry for my englihs, i write a little fast! i whis to know if i could take ur app and include into McKAY's massenkoh emu suite as but whit other name: Knintendo. (and as provides: GAmefu | kamefu) Why?: -currenly only emulates Nintendo console systems (excep for mame) about u'r requets, my knows of C & C++ are basic but if i can help, will be. thanks. NOTE: ubuntu package are made bery bad!, dependences are lacks! I'm a good packager, so i will provide a package and i offert to us!
Excuse me, but it's so strange that the ubuntu package depends on libqt-mt-dev which is a dev package. It should depend on the headers package I think.So, well done however!
It looks good, really good. But is Magadrive/Genesis support planned? Ubuntu currently only has dgen in repos, and that lacks a GUI frontend :(
Also, I point Gamefu at my roms directory, and nothing is picked up :( Even though I know they're playable.
RPMs for Mandriva 2006 can be found here: http://mdkrepo.pykix.net/
RPMs for Mandriva 2006 can be found here: http://mdkrepo.pykix.net/
Why did youn rename it? Kamefu was better.
Great app ! Thanks :)
Downloaded and built this just fine. I also have xmame--with the same problems. Where do I get ROMs? Might be a nice addition to this program--a browse to known, reliable ROM sources and downloading them! I go a bunch before which do not work. Xmame simple list a bunch of unfound modules for each one I try. Kamefu flags an error and logs no ROMs.
A SlackWare TGz package with SlackBuild Script is Ready to DownLoad!!! http://www.slacky.it/ http://www.slacky.it/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=1&func=fileinfo&filecatid=1112&parent=category
May be the desktop file entry is wrong. I correct it game and non games Kamefu work good also in Kde 3.4 This is my desktop file [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Name=kamefu Name[xx]=xxkamefuxx Exec=kamefu Icon=package_games Type=Application Comment=Kamefu - KDE All-Machine Emulator Frontend for UNIX Comment[bg]=Kamefu - KDE All-Machine Emulator Frontend за UNIX Comment[da]=Kamefu - KDE's grænseflade for emulering af alle maskiner i UNIX Comment[es]=Kamefu - Interfaz de emulación para cualquier máquina UNIX Comment[gl]=Kamefu - Interface KDE de Emulador Universal para UNIX Comment[nl]=Kamefu - Emulator-frontend voor KDE Comment[it]=Kamefu - Emulatore di Giochi per KDE Comment[pt]=Kamefu - Interface de Emulador para Todas as Máquinas do KDE Comment[pt_BR]=Kamefu - Interface de Emulador para Todas as Máquinas do KDE Comment[sr]=Kamefu - KDE-ово ли
Thanks for pointing out. I've made the change in SVN.
just need a script to import into database de link to Offlinelist picture: ROM GBA Number 252 = 252A for titlescreen and 252b for ingame shot
I have a little patch on my machine to do that. Will be in 0.2 release with the image filler plugin. Thansk for the comment