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A KDE frontend for xmame/xmess emulator. Based on gxmame plus many new features:

- Support xmame, xmess, sdlmame
- Added a "systems" category where roms are classified by systems (neogeo, neogeo64, cps1, cps2,...)
- Vastly improved joystick browser, customizable joystick buttons.
- Customizable game icon size and toolbar.
- Auto-rescale screenshots. Added video previews (need kaffeine installed).
- Improved gamelist search, categorization.
- Support launching game using alternative emulator instead of xmess.
- Fast, responsive


Download "catver.ini" (or "catver") from to help kxmame categorize mame roms. (Or from if you prefer the Italian version).
Use menu Settings->Directories to tell kxmame where to look for ROMS, snapshots, preview videos, xmame executables, catver.ini ....
Use menu Settings->"Configure kxmame" to specify xmame options.
Last changelog:

kxmame-2.0-svn20070603 changelog:

This is a snapshot from current kxmame development. New from kxmame-2.0-beta includes sdlmame support from Sven Gothel and xmame/xmess 0.106 bug fix from Brandon Corey. Plus many smaller bug fixes.

kxmame-2.0-beta changelog:

- Support xmess using the same simple kxmame-1.x interface. It's as simple as selecting your game console, double-clicking your rom file to launch a game. Individually zipped roms are supported.

- Overhaul of kxmame navigation using joystick. Without touching keyboard or mouse, you can use your joystick to browse the game list, the filter list, launch a game, switching between xmame/xmess executables, launch alternative emulators. The joystick buttons used for these tasks can be customized in the menu. (The default button settings are for my PS2 pad, so it mightnot work with other joystick).

- Crudely support alternative emulators for xmess. See the file "alternative.dat" included in kxmame source for details (kxmame offers no controls over the video, audio or input settings of alternative emulators). Using this file, you can even trick kxmame into running emulators for systems that are not supported by xmess yet!

- Many other smaller improvements: more meaningful error messages, slightly more efficient memory usage, better context menu, allow disabling video preview in "configure kxmame".

Enjoys ! Don't forget to report bugs or suggetions at website.

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the link is broken can some one confirm it


Is there a KDE 4 version planned? This app is great. Thanks!


I have a problem with my joypad me not only detects the axis buttons desri as I could fix it. note: for the joypad is / dev/input/js0


hi, i tried to load the app from my kde4.1 session but it didn't work. Other kde3 apps work fine in kde4, so i think this should also work. Do yo have any plan to rebuild with the kde4 libs? Thanks and sorry for my english :) Great work!


joystick wont detected under opensuse 10.3, it compiled fine but i cant use joystick to play the games and btw my joystick is fine on other apps ..anyidea?


I forgot ot mention, sdlmame is really crappy here if I don't set "-video opengl" option, wich speeds up both video and audio (don't ask me why, it does, period). Where should I hack kxmame to make it pass this option? even hardcoded in the sources, as it's not optional to me....


I forgot to mention earlier that I couldn't compile this with joystick support. The error I get starts when I configure it: configure: WARNING: linux/joystick.h: present but cannot be compiled configure: WARNING: linux/joystick.h: check for missing prerequisite headers? Previously I have configured with --disable-joystick to get it to work. How do I fix this header issue?


I started a thread at in case anybody is interested in investigating this whole "joystick.h won't compile" issue on Slackware 12. Has anybody using Slackware 12 successfully gotten this program to compile? I see there are packages for Slackware 11 but none for 12.


Issue solved (as far as compiling with joystick support). You have to take out the "-std=iso9899:1990" from the CFLAGS in the configure file (or modify joystick.h) to get it to configure and compile correctly. I can now select my games using the joystick. However, there is still an issue with using a joystick when running the games. I selected "SDL joystick" in the kxmame config dialog, but it sent a "-jt 1" (Standard joystick) to xmame. There isn't even an option in the GUI for a standard joystick so something is wrong. As a result, no games can be played with joystick support on my box.


A workaround to this problem is to change .kxmame/options/default so that joytype is the one you want. In my case I want SDL joystick so it would be 5. You just have to make sure you don't go and mess with it in the GUI because then you will have to fix the file all over again. Please fix the program so that the GUI selects the correct joytype number. ALL versions of this program seem to have this problem.


This is the return of an old and known "bug" (headers being not ANSI). patch is this, working in any distro: --- src/kxmame_joy.cpp.orig 2007-11-27 12:40:22.000000000 +0100 +++ src/kxmame_joy.cpp 2007-11-27 12:41:32.000000000 +0100 @@ -41,7 +41,9 @@ #ifdef ENABLE_JOYSTICK # ifdef HAVE_LINUX_JOYSTICK_H +#undef __STRICT_ANSI__ # include <linux/joystick.h> +#define __STRICT_ANSI__ # else # error Joystick is only supported on Linux. Reconfigure with --disable-joystick. # undef ENABLE_JOYSTICK


According to this page it should work with sdlmame. How do you get it to work? I compiled and installed kxmame-2.0-svn-sdlmame-20070603. After I set all the directories how I wanted them I scanned for roms, but none were found for some reason. The blue gear drop down menu shows sdlmame. When I manually audit all games it finds none but says I should configure ~/.mame/mame.ini to work with sdlmame. I have no idea what it is talking about as nothing in any documentation says anything about it (or sdlmame). By the way I made a SlackBuild for any Slackware users out there. Contact me if you want a copy. I might post it after I get the above issues settled.


Is there any HOWTO or some detailed manual how to setup kxmame/xmame to have all features available. I had some problems with default paths (/usr/lib/games/xmame instead of /usr/share/games)... many roms are Incorrect in Audit games... I downloaded catver.ini but dunno where to put it (I copy them to ~/.xmame/ini but see no difference in kxmame)... I get> History.dat file not found and mameinfo.dat file not found and also wondering what is needed to get game screenshots videos and descriptions... In other words What I need for my KXMAME look as good as these screenshots here? :)


I have set the directory to the AVI files that should provide a preview but to no luck. Any ideas on on how to enable them>


For video preview, you need to have kaffeine or libkaffeine installed.


I have created a debian packages for kxmame. Packages x86 && amd64:


Has anybody had any luck getting an Xbox Controller to work properly ? As the buttons are analogue, I have to "half" press the them to get it to work. A full press doesnt register. Making it impossible to use.


greetings i have an problem using your kxmame it wont load the catver.ini kxmame: catver not loaded, using default values. the path is set right... if testet several versions of catver.ini also named it to catver i hope you can help


i got it working the catvers ihave tested where starting with [Category] but kxmame need this ;; CatVer (rev. 1) / 05-Mai-06 / MAME .105 / ;; [Category]


This is a bug in kxmame due the change in catver.ini file format for xmame version 0.105. Please submit a bug report at the kxmame sourceforge website, or complain to the author of catver.ini


I've got xmame 103 installed, and complete romset. Its running ok. Games.ini size == 0, perhaps its a problem...


Did you specify the path to the xmame executable in menu Settings->Directories ? Also make sure ~/.kxmame and all its files and subdirectories are writable by you ("chmod -R u+rw ~/.kxmame"). If games.ini size is zero, you should delete it. If this still doesn't work, you might want to delete the directories ~/.kxmame and ~/.gxmame and restart over (save the content just in case something goes wrong.) Those are just suggestions. Nobody else has this problem so I don't know what's wrong.


Im a great stupid... running kxmame as root is not a nice idea. Now all is fine. Thanks for your support, and thanks for KxMame :)


My gamelist is blank... Why? Im running KxMame 2.0-beta, KDE 3.51 and Fedora Core 4. With earlier versions of KxMame i've got the same problem. Any idea? (Sorry for my english :(, Im from Basque Country)

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version 2.0-svn20070603
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