Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
2008/02/27 - Version 0.3
performance and stability improvements
2008/02/15 - Version 0.2
port to Qt's Graphics View framework
new default theme with remove animation; configuration dialog to select theme
greeter removed; replaced by popup items on the board
timer can show minutes separately
sound events; configuration dialog to change the sounds
many bugfixes (see the commit log at http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/games/kdiamond/?view=log for details)
2008/02/08 - Version 0.1
first version
Ratings & Comments
Probably stupid question, but I made a couple of changes that allows you to play an untimed game, nothing spectacular or anything, just a little checkbox in the Settings menu for untimed game. Someone else here asked for one and I was wondering how I'd make a patch or anything for the code, I've made the changes to the files in this tar.gz because I couldn't get it to compile from SVN. tl;dr: How do I make patch of my changes.
Updated gentoo ebuild: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=211088
The cmake is looking for a LibKDEGames_DIR. There is no libkdegames4-dev or such on Debian Sid or experimental. Where do I get it? (I do not think kubuntu stuff is comparable with Debian's)
Gentoo ebuild for 0.2 that at least works in my box: Quote:
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
inherit kde4-base versionator
DESCRIPTION="KDiamond is a three-in-a-row game (much like Bejeweled) for the KDE 4 desktop"
src_unpack() {
sed -i -e '/find_package(LibKDEGames REQUIRED)/d' ${S}/CMakeLists.txt || die "Sed failed"
The current version of KDiamond is now being developed in KDE SVN (more precisely in the trunk/playground/games). What you can find there is a development version where huge parts of the internal code have been replaced. If you want to use a stable version you should get KDiamond from here.
I revoke. After having fixed many side-cases, the current SVN version seems to run better than what you're seeing here. However, the graphics are not as nice. The new graphics engine has problems with antialiasing and the old tiled background (this is hopefully solved by new artwork which is in process). If you're brave, checkout the latest SVN revision and test the upcoming KDiamond 0.2!
This is one of my favorite games! It's great to have a KDE4 version. It works well here, no crashes. I'd like to suggest one thing though, a "timeless" game mode where you can play until there are no matches left. Thanks!
I crash while trying to make a match while the diamonds were falling. Very nice though. I installed kdegames libs just to get this wonderful game.