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Description:I'm using OS X exclusively now, and don't have a box to develop on at the moment. If I ever do get a linux box again (very likely) I will kick back up development.
Kontroller is the premier Multi-Emulator front-end for KDE.
I always wanted a snes9x for windows - like emulator (emulator surface embedded with a menu / settings) -- I never liked those "launcher" frontends. although I have always liked advancemenu (for my TV).
For now, development will be only to embed snes9x -- but others are just as possible, and will be extremely easy to add. I plan on making it possible to make an XML file "plugin" for each emulator. the XML file will define what emulator it is, what kinds of files it opens, command line options, controls, etc.
I have several questions:
1. Should there be a toolbar/menubar, or just a menubar?
ex: tool/menubar in NEMU64 http://gakum.hp.infoseek.co.jp/n64/nemu.jpg
2. What is the number 1 feature you are missing in emulation frontends?
So tell me what you think, and request any features you want. I won't promise anything, but I'll do my best to accommodate those requests.
0.1 - initial code release.
this will open and play an snes9x game -- not much else. has a few compiler warnings and X Opcode error I can't seem to de-bug. but it will comple and run fine.
0.1 (preview) -
initial non-release of just screenshot
Ratings & Comments
I love you, man. This is probably the only working snes9x frontend for KDE. There was ksnes9x once, but that's for KDE2 and it won't compile for me on KDE3, even with the legacy packages. Anyways, keep up the good work!
I'd like to say finally the best super nes emulator snes9x gets a decent frontend the reason why i say best is because it supports sdd1 games like streetfighter alpha on the fly without decryption packs and whats more it works on linux as the znes linux version doesn't play sfa2 on linux and also the sound is more accurate so i'd like to just say i hope this project really develops i'm glad someone is finally making a good frontend to it :D This kontroller project means that emulators that are excellent like Fceultra and mame will finally have a good frontend in kde :D
I'd seriously thought about starting a project like this; I'm glad I don't have to. I have a few console icons that you are more than welcome to use; they've just been things I've put together for my own personal use so far. Anyway, the SNES one is at: http://my.awesomenet.net/~kerrle/zsnes.png
dosbox? (GPL) dosbox.sf.net You can even play Gorilla.bas inside Qbasic with the emulator. 95% of dos games work
I'm now figuring out how kdevelop's system needs me to tar up my code so that I can archive this release. It's basically a working SNES9x front-end as of now. not much more. Still, it is fun to see in action :) The one cool thing about having it as a KDE application (that i've found), is that with KWin you can toggle fullscreen on/off. that's something you (I) couldn't do before with snes9x. nifty.
I would like support gor gba games, and maybe you can include gameshark or any type of cheat system. Not that I like to cheat, but once I pass a game like advance wars, i like to use gameshark to get all types of weapons and destroy the A.I. Its just Fun.
I think you should add both. It isn't hard to do using the XMLGUI-stuff of KDE and so the user will have the choice what he likes best. But I'm interested in this app in general. I once thought about something similar as well. How do you want to "embed" the windows of the different emulators into your mainwindow? Are you using this XEMBED-protocol or something similar? Will this work for every emulator? How are you going to manage the parameter-stuff? Will you create dynamic dialogs which input-fields are read from the XML-file you mentioned?
Menu/toolbar won't be hard at all. it seems like the way i'm going to go. I can always disable it or ditch it later. (KDE's framework is excellent for this) How do you want to "embed" the windows of the different emulators into your mainwindow? I'm using qxembed. Will this work for every emulator? basically, yes. some emulators don't want to be resized by the WM (fce-ultra) and i've been thinking of ways to tricking them to resize on command. I was thinking of saving the gamestate, exiting, then starting w/ the game state, but have fce-ultra run maximized. It would also be a solution to changing keybindings w/o emu restart in mid game, etc. Like how snes9x windows syncs network games. How are you going to manage the parameter-stuff? command-line options? I'm going to make intuitive (yes, intuitive) dialogs using qt designer. I run the emulator w/ qProcess Will you create dynamic dialogs which input-fields are read from the XML-file you mentioned? I'm beginning to think now that I want each "plugin" to be a set of XML files (interface, setting, etc) thanks for your comment :)
I know the author of fceu. Maybe I can get him in touch with you so that you'll be able to make it work easier.
That would be fantastic! All I really want is for fce-ultra to be able to scale it's surface like how Snes9X does. If the author doesn't want to, that's also fine. It'd stil be nice :) He doesn't seem to take feature requests. So if you could pass this along, it'd be great