For those who don't know Boggle, it's quite simple: make words of the letters you find in the grid. From a certain starting letter, you can go horizontal, vertical and diagonal to make words. Find as many words in the given time.
If you play with your mouse, use the left mouse button to select a character. The middle mouse button will submit a word. The right mouse button will go one step back in the selection. Double clicking with the right mouse button will clear the selected characters.
KBoggle uses KSpell for validating the words. To play with a wordlist, check your spell checker configuration in KBoggle's configuration. If you don't have a spell checker backend installed, please install one. KSpell supports the following spell checkers:
Neat - good work. I did have a couple of questions?
How is this game scored? It shows higher scores than the rules I am familiar with. For example, I am looking at a game with 24 words and 42 points. The words (by the scoring I am familiar with) break down as follows:
3-letter - 11 words - 11 points
4-letter - 9 words - 9 points
5-letter - 3 words - 6 points
6-letter - 1 word - 3 points
I come up with 29 points - not 42???
Also, the "Q" cube in English needs an automatic "U" - From wikipedia:
"Note that one cube is printed with 'QU'. This is because Q is (almost) always followed by U in English words. If there was a 'Q' in Boggle, it would have to appear next to a 'U' to be usable. To give players a chance to use the Q more frequently, 'QU' is provided as a single letter tile. However, for the purposes of scoring 'QU' counts as two letters: "squid" would score two points (for a five-letter word) but is formed from a chain of only four cubes.
Word Length Points
3 1
4 1
5 2
6 3
7 5
8+ 11
I have the same problem with accents than before.
There is one weird thing : I configure kboggle to use iso-8859-1, but this is not persistent : if I re-open the configuration dialog, the encoding is always US-ASCII.
My config : KDE 3.4.2, Aspell 0.60.3
Do you enter the words with or without accents? You should enter them with accents.
About the encoding: the setting was not saved. That's fixed for the next version.
I'm entering them with accents (for example, "été"). The game tells me that the word doesn't appear in the grid.
Oh, and anyway, thanks for your work :)
Ratings & Comments
Neat - good work. I did have a couple of questions? How is this game scored? It shows higher scores than the rules I am familiar with. For example, I am looking at a game with 24 words and 42 points. The words (by the scoring I am familiar with) break down as follows: 3-letter - 11 words - 11 points 4-letter - 9 words - 9 points 5-letter - 3 words - 6 points 6-letter - 1 word - 3 points I come up with 29 points - not 42??? Also, the "Q" cube in English needs an automatic "U" - From wikipedia: "Note that one cube is printed with 'QU'. This is because Q is (almost) always followed by U in English words. If there was a 'Q' in Boggle, it would have to appear next to a 'U' to be usable. To give players a chance to use the Q more frequently, 'QU' is provided as a single letter tile. However, for the purposes of scoring 'QU' counts as two letters: "squid" would score two points (for a five-letter word) but is formed from a chain of only four cubes. Scoring Word Length Points 3 1 4 1 5 2 6 3 7 5 8+ 11
I believe Kboggle scores as follows: 3-letter: 1 point 4-letter: 2 points 5-letter: 3 points ... n-letter: n-2 points. mehmet
YEAH go bram, go :D
I have the same problem with accents than before. There is one weird thing : I configure kboggle to use iso-8859-1, but this is not persistent : if I re-open the configuration dialog, the encoding is always US-ASCII. My config : KDE 3.4.2, Aspell 0.60.3
Do you enter the words with or without accents? You should enter them with accents. About the encoding: the setting was not saved. That's fixed for the next version.
I'm entering them with accents (for example, "été"). The game tells me that the word doesn't appear in the grid. Oh, and anyway, thanks for your work :)
Thanks for your feedback. I've located the problem and it will be in the next release.
Yeah, cool :-)
It works with the new release. Thank you very much :)
A SlackWare 10.2 Package with SlackBuild script is ready to download!!
Hi I love this game, but i cannot enter french words with accents. to be is in french être, and neither etre not être work. Thank you
I confirm, and it's a shame. I would love to be able to (really) play to this game :)
I have modified the program so it works with the french accents. What is the procedure? So I send it to the programmer? Thank you