gtk-jzintv (Intellivision Emulator)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:"gtk-jzintv is a GUI written around the jzintv Intellivision emulator. It includes the latest jzintv emulator and all the required files to play Intellivision games on Ubuntu." - Anthony A. Jean
I did not create this, only cleaned it up a bit and tweaked it so it correctly puts a shortcut in the Main Menu. Credit goes to Joe Zbiciaks for the jzintv emulator and Anthony A. Jean for making this gui for it.
For more information on this project, check out: http://freshmeat.net/projects/gtk-jzintv/.
Requires zenity and gtkdialog.
For Ubuntu users, gtkdialog was removed from the official repositories after Karmic, so to install it, you need to download the latest I have below (currently adapted for natty, but should not matter if you use Lucid, Maverick, or whatever). If you prefer the latest official version, you can download that from the official repositories here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=default§ion=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=gtkdialog.
For Debian users, gtkdialog can be found here: http://packages.debian.org/search?searchon=names&suite=all§ion=all&keywords=gtkdialog.
....Now the Debian package (and gtkdialog) is available in my Launchpad PPA:
In a terminal window, type the following:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:inameiname/stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install gtkdialog gtk-jzintv
1.0: This is the initial public beta release.
0.1: Now available in my PPA
0.1+hg20091102-3: heavy clean up of the total package and changed version to the proper one
Ratings & Comments
Will get to porting it soon. Kinda busy this week...
I'll work on it soon...
I didn't think anyone else was even downloading this anymore...
I know, not too many folks play Intellivision anymore, let alone even know what it is. :P Weren't you the dude who posted on an Ubuntu Forums thread I made regarding this gtk-intv, the creator of it? Regardless, if you happened to download the package of it I threw together, I cleaned it up a bit. In all, if you do happen to know of a way to throw together an Intellivision emulator for Android, that would be awesome. Even Colecovision has an Android emulator, so why not Intellivision. Hehe. There were always a few good games on it that no other systems had that I sorely miss (Snafu, B17 Bomber, Beauty and the Beast, others). And as intv is the only Linux Intellivision Emulator in existence, I thought maybe it'd be easier to port it to Android, rather than writing a new one from scratch (a bit out of my expertise, I'm afraid). I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one who'd be grateful.
Does anybody know how (or maybe have a possible alternative) to port this Linux Intellivision app for Android? It is the one big emulator that I miss for Android, and knowing that this version exists, I am curious if anybody could make a 'apk' Android of it. Anyway, I thought I'd just throw that out here on my artwork here. Thanks.