Description: In a response to requests this script will copy cached video to your home directory. Usage is just: mozz [filename] where filename is the name you want to save as.
Installation: save mozz, chmod 755 mozz then copy it to anywhere on your $PATH.Last changelog:
Initial release
0.2 Avoid possible reference to ~/.adobe/Flash_Player
It seems your script doesn't work anymore due to some changes maybe! I'm using chromium!
In terminal, the output is : "No running instance found" ... there's a video loaded!
I did exactly what you say ( saved in my home directory / chmod 755 ) When i type the command , i.e mozz test in a terminal, the reponse is : command not found!
Ratings & Comments
Hi! It seems your script doesn't work anymore due to some changes maybe! I'm using chromium! In terminal, the output is : "No running instance found" ... there's a video loaded! Thks!
Hello! I did exactly what you say ( saved in my home directory / chmod 755 ) When i type the command , i.e mozz test in a terminal, the reponse is : command not found!
Ok ! The right command is : ./mozz test .... and it works like a charme! Thks a lot for this little tool!
Glad you like it. If you move it to ~/bin or, as super user, to /usr/bin then you can use it just as mozz.