Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
After reboot the data form this partition will be lost!!
USAGE: First create a a RAM DISK image (the default size value is 16MB according to your Kernel boot parameter) then mount'it and give write acces!You can then mount or unmount partition any way you like!
WARRNING!! After creating RAMDISK to not hit again CREATE RAMDISK or your partition will be reformated and you will lose data!
For increasig RAMDISK size edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg adding ramdisk_size=1000000(this is 1GB) at the end of line containing kernel /vmlinuz- (whatever kernel you have).
-ver 0.2
added Backup and Restore Utilities ( you can backup data from Ramdisk and restore it after rebooting )
I have tested Fedora 18 XFCE installed on Ramdisk using VirtualBox and booting time was about 6 seconds and CentOS 6.4 about 15 seconds!(System host Ubuntu 12.04 , 12GB Ram--7 GB allocated for Ramdisk--, i7 second gen )
-ver 0.3
~General application improvement
~More detail on Partition info
~List Backups option
Added a short tutorial : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bsdrg4mFh7s&feature=youtu.be
Dependency ubuntu 13.04:
ver 0.3.1
-General improvements in managing root password !
-Some bug fixes!
ver 4.0
-Added option to delete all data from RAMDISK without rebooting!
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