Visual frame desktop

Various Gnome Stuff

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Here as promised frames for the visual effect of your desktop. This archive contains different frames in different colors. At the moment there are only 1600x1050 format. Others will be coming.
These frames are in png format with transparent background.
So to put your font, use your favorite software (photoshop, gimp, ect ...) if it manages calques.Importer the background of your choice then place second layer disappointed by the pang of the frame. Merge your layers and save it for example to png or jpg format. And for the rest you know what to do ^ ^.


Voilà comme promis les armatures pour l'effet visuel de votre bureau. Cet archive contiens differentes armatures dans differentes couleurs. Pour l'instant il ne sont qu'au format 1600x1050. D'autres seront à venir.
Ces armatures sont aux formats png avec fond transparent.
Donc pour y placer votre font, utilser votre logiciels de prédilection (photoshop, gimp,ect...) pourvu qu'il gère les calques.Importer le fond de votre choix puis placez en second layer par deçu le pang de l'armature. Fusionnez vos layers et enregistrez le par exemple au format png ou jpg. Et pour le reste vous savez quoi faire ^^ .

And a big thank you to these VisionOfArt wallpaper de la serie "Soon V2 and V3"

Et encore un grand merci à VisionOfArt pour ces wallpaper de la serie "Soon V2 et V3"

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i'm using it rigth now :D can you give some tips to make "tabs" like yours? i use Gimp, but for basic purposes it's pretty similar to PS. thanks!


i do not understand what you want advice as You want me explains the technique I used to do? If you want I send you . the archive with the xcf and psd file so that you see Otherwise it's not complicated at first you do a draw a pen tool, you can not fill the color of your choice. Then a second layer on a second. For the bevel effect or you are using the glow and shadows. if you want to give the effect of the hollow square in the center chadows day with you and your layer opacity, then the other layer in the external clox and you also played on the opacity. Nevertheless, since this concerns gimp photoshop manages the effects of layers

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version 0.1
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