Make your own userbars easily with this simple template!
Some indications: On the layer background, after you fill the selection with your custom color, you can click "Filters"→"Decoration"→Add a bevel..", type the value 12 and make sure that the 2 check box are unchecked. Click OK. Download this font to have the right text style: and extract the ttf file to /home/your_login/.fonts/ On the layer "text", make an "Alpha to selection", select the layer "text_border" and increase the selection with 1 pixel. Fill it with black and put it under the layer "text". Verify the text with zoom and fill the small grey or white squares on the layer "text" with a 1 pixel pencil black color.
Excuse me for my english and I'm not really sure it's the exact titles for Gimp options, because I have the french version. If you doesn't understand explications, ask me for screenshots or a video screen capture.
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