Description: Bongos is a new Social Desktop being developed, currently, by a small team. I'm the Chief Designer tasked with developing the GUI and general artwork that will be shipped along with Bongos.
The aim of Bongos is take all of your favourite social web activities - your twitter, facebook, myspace, indentica, flickr and so on - and integrate them into your desktop. Bongos is looking to be cross-distro and possibly cross-plaform. Primarily it'll be KDE-based, but we would like a GNOME team as well. This is where you come in. We need a team of GNOME artist and developers ASAP.
We're calling on all artists, coders, developers, idea-makers and People-With-Opinions to come to our forum and contribute what you will! We'd love to hear what ideas you have.
Hey there! Thanks for the contribution! You'll need to host your image somewhere, like on Photobucket or something. The forum supports basic html so, to insert an image, you'll use:
<img src="http://imageurlhere.png" />
That displays the image. Be sure to include a link to the full-size. If you have dA account or you submit the art here, you can always link it to here.
Don't forget to introduce yourself! Thanks again!
I wish I could help, but I am still not to the point of knowing enough. This looks like a really cool design though. I would like to see Gnome turn into something with the KDE eye-candy look to it. Hope this works out, I will be looking forward to it!
Thanks for the thoughts! Even if you don't feel you know enough to contribute any code or art or whatever, come on board regardless and offer ideas and opinions! We need lots of viewpoints.
Ratings & Comments
Hi, I made a wallpaper for Bongos the other day and joined the forum, but I'm not sure how to post up new artwork there, can you help me out?
Hey there! Thanks for the contribution! You'll need to host your image somewhere, like on Photobucket or something. The forum supports basic html so, to insert an image, you'll use: <img src="http://imageurlhere.png" /> That displays the image. Be sure to include a link to the full-size. If you have dA account or you submit the art here, you can always link it to here. Don't forget to introduce yourself! Thanks again! /izo\
whereis the tarball
I wish I could help, but I am still not to the point of knowing enough. This looks like a really cool design though. I would like to see Gnome turn into something with the KDE eye-candy look to it. Hope this works out, I will be looking forward to it!
Thanks for the thoughts! Even if you don't feel you know enough to contribute any code or art or whatever, come on board regardless and offer ideas and opinions! We need lots of viewpoints. /izo\