Docky with stacks *.deb package

Docky Themes

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This package will remove docky and install this docky version with stacks.

I have created this package because when I compiled "stacks" it was hard to find all dependencies and with a *.deb all is easyer.

If you want to remove this version and reinstall docky without stacks:

1) $ sudo apt-get remove stacks
2) $ sudo apt-get install docky


If you dont have installed docky, be sure to install docky dependencies, I recommend you to install docky from bzr ppa and then this package, I have not added any dependencie in this package, sorry, I will in the future, please only install if you know what are you doing.

For 64 bit packages, I have read that its possible to force the install in a 64 bit system with docky, here the instrucctions, BUT I HAVE NOT TESTED THIS. I could compile docky for all architectures, but I dont have enough machines for testing the packages...

Convert 32bit deb to 64bit deb
1. Download the 32bit.deb file
2. In a terminal window go to the directory containing the 32bit.deb file
3. Create a tmp dir:
mkdir tmp
4. Extract the deb file to the tmp dir:
dpkg-deb -x NAME.deb tmp
5. Extract the control files:
dpkg-deb --control NAME.deb tmp/DEBIAN
6. Change the Architecture parameter from “i386″ to “all”:
sed -i "s/i386/all/" tmp/DEBIAN/control
7. Repackage the deb file:
dpkg -b tmp NAME_64.deb

Now you can install Docky Stacks on a 64-bit system!
*** Where you see NAME please replace with file NAME being converted***
*** The .deb does come with a prerequisite: that all Docky dependencies* are installed beforehand and the .deb itself is 32bit only. AS STATED ABOVE ***
*** Logout then log back in after install ***

Thats all, enjoy!

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No cigar on the 64bit conversion method. ran an apt-get build-dep docky before hand too but received an error ** (/usr/lib/docky/Docky.exe:9931): WARNING **: The following assembly referenced from /usr/lib/docky/Docky.exe could not be loaded: Assembly: dbus-sharp-glib (assemblyref_index=13) Version: Public Key: 5675b0c3093115b5 The assembly was not found in the Global Assembly Cache, a path listed in the MONO_PATH environment variable, or in the location of the executing assembly (/usr/lib/docky/). There was a little more after this too but to save space in here . . . Anyway, if anyone gets it firing on 64bit platforms please let me know. I'm headed over to launchpad for a read.


try this, please say me if you get it working. sudo apt-get install mono-runtime libc6 libdbus-glib1.0-cil libdbus1.0-cil libgconf2.0-cil libgio-cil libglib2.0-0 libglib2.0-cil libgnome-keyring1.0-cil libgnomedesktop2.20-cil libgtk2.0-0 libgtk2.0-cil libmono-addins0.2-cil libmono-cairo2.0-cil libmono-corlib2.0-cil libmono-posix2.0-cil libmono-sharpzip2.84-cil libmono-system-web2.0-cil libmono-system2.0-cil libnotify0.4-cil librsvg2-2.18-cil libwnck2.20-cil libx11-6 gconf2 librsvg2-common dockmanager These are the dependencies for docky BZR, it uses a lot of mono libraries...


Thanks for your help mate, but I can't find the packages "libdbus-glib1.0-cil libdbus1.0-cil dockmanager" I've enabled all the repositories on my Ubuntu machine but no go. The closest I can find in synaptic are libndesk-dbus-glib1.0-cil & it's dev, and libdbus-glib-1-2 but they're already installed. Sorry to be dense, but what is it that I've overlooked? BTW, all the other packages in your post are up to date on my system.


Are you running Maverick? This is the description of libdbus-glib1.0-cil dbus-sharp is a fork of ndesk-dbus, which is a C# implementation of D-Bus. It's often referred to as "managed D-Bus" to avoid confusion with existing bindings (which wrap libdbus). D-Bus is a message bus, used for sending messages between applications. Conceptually, it fits somewhere in between raw sockets and CORBA in terms of complexity. This package provides integration into the GLib mainloop and contains the dbus-sharp-glib library itself. That is the library lost on your system, you need it. Add the docky unestable ppa as I said on description, install docky from there then install stacks. Add this or use ubuntutweak The libraries are provided by the ppa I think.


Hi, Thanks again. The missing libraries were indeed in the repository. Made the adjustments in the control file and it seems to be up and running-squeaky clean. And yes, Maverick AMD64, running superbly on my iMac I might add. Hence the reason I was piqued by this great piece of software. Thanks again!


And 64 bit version ? :-)


sorry, I dont have a 64 bit machine, I think it's not possible for now.


There's a problem with stacks. Try to open any file at your home folder, then try to open any file at /usr/share/applications. If you go to de folder, the shortcut will open the program itself, if you do the same through stack, it will open a text file.


Im not part of the team who is developing this app, please any bug report it to the launchpad page.


I didn't report this as a bug, i just post it here to people who gonna use don't think it's exactly like OS X stacks.


Upon testing - installation as of 8:30pm Tues 14th December 2010 Australian Eastern Standard Time- applications launch normally from the /usr/share/applications folder stack. The same behaviour one would expect from the OSX dock. Nice, but a little cluttered given that it contains all the entries from the System/Preferences and System/Administration as well. If you create "Apps" and "Utilities" folders in ~/ you can create links to your preferred software and then drop the folders onto the dock. Tested and works also. Ubuntu Maverick AMD64-

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version 2.1.0 bzr r1556
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 2

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