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Replaced old submission...replaced blue/green mosaic background with brushed aluminum.

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i dont really like christian stuff all over kde, but i think that tolerance is basic to understanding, so go ahead with your projects! athough i recommend a christian corner on kde or someting like that, that not everybody needs to see what some consider propaganda but those people that want the "religious-feel" know directly where to get it. also some questions to annoy you ;-) : 1. you said god created the whole universe, meaning he created absolutely everything, right? that means he also created evil and planted the seed of hatred in our hearts! or in other words if god is source and creator to everything, he fathered all 'sins' and crimes.... 2.if i ask you whether god is almighty you will say yes, right? well if he cant do evil he is not almighty is he? 3.if god shaped us in his image how come we are so bad whereas he is supposed to be so good? these questions give us only two options either god is (partly) evil, proving your religion wrong or your total perception of god is wrong(god is good, but neither created universe nor is he almighty nor did he make us in his image), your belief being false too. sorry if this is seen as provocation or insult, it is meant as neither. i dont wish to offend anyone,this is only my opinion on the matter, of course everyone is entitled to thier own.


Boy, it sounds like you already have all the answers! Well, no need to waste my time or yours then...! Tim


Great work! As I have said in an earlier comment today, many christians use linux and it is great to have the opportunity to integrate one's faith with one's computing experience. I, for one, think that if something contributes to KDE users, rather a specific group or users as a whole, it contributes to KDE. It keeps people using and the more users, the stronger the community. Diversity is NEVER a bad thing! :) Btw, I am not what you would call a very religious person. However, I do see religion as fundamental to human history and therefore cannot nor should not be ignored. Thanks for the great work!


Hey, you don't like the guys idea, just say so. It's called a vote, or a constructive criticism. Yes, it's a pointed splash, and some folks might not want it, but the guy's trying here folks! :-) Good job




without religion, humanity would be a heck of a lot more united. i certainly dont want this splash screen, and it contributes absolutely nothing to the KDE experience.


Wow man :O nice work... and what a meaning .....


Thanks, zombics! Great to hear a good word now and then! Tim


And who created god? And who created his creator? And why did he leave us? If you want to know why we believe in gods, and what they were (they existed long ago, since the time when we learned to speak, until the greeks), read "The Origin of Conciousness in the breakdown of Bicameral Mind", Julian Jaynes. Personally, i find this is crap splash.


No one needed to create God; God is outside the dimension of time, which is linked to matter and space per Einstein's 'general relativity'. Therefore, time began with matter and space, which were created by God, who is outside the 'timeline', in other words, eternal. Matter cannot be eternal, but must have a beginning. Thanks, Tim


Do you call that an answer Tim? Dropping a name like Einstein doesn't validate your claim. If someone or something created time and space then why can't god have been created? Personally I like this question: did god create man...or did man create god? Bye Tim.


Flanders; One day, you will die and stand in judgement before Jesus Christ, to Whom all judgement has been given. According to the scriptures, you will have an intact memory, which means that you will be able to recall all the information you've been presented with regarding the existence of God and your need for reconciliation with Him through the finished work of Christ on the Cross. Your philosophial arguments won't help you, your arrogance won't help you. Nothing will help you. You won't be able to escape inevitable judgement from the very hands that were nailed to a cross to keep you from that same judgement. Rabbit-chase argument bait won't help. Nothing. And unless you turn, you will spend a conscious, Christless eternity in hell, for all practical purposes all alone while you know you could be with the Lord, which is where the celebration will be. "there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth" other words, a constant remorse over your "couldabeen". Your life is of infinite value. Contrary to what evolutionists want you to believe, there is an ultimate purpose for your spend eternity with God and enjoy Him forever. You're only here to make a decision as to whether or not you want to do that. Believe it or not, we believers at KDE-LOOK care about you deeply. I pray that eventually the Spirit of God will open your eyes and heart and that you will one day join the ranks of former unbelievers who have learned just how precious this decision is. I am responsible TO you, not FOR you. You have the truth which I am responsible to pass on to you. I pray the best for you. Tim


Sorry Steels, I didn't complete my statement... "Matter cannot be eternal, but must have a beginning." Let me add to the end of that; God is spirit. Matter is therefore limited by the laws of thermodynamics and biogenesis...they can't be eternal and non-life doesn't produce life. Let me add to the end of that; God is spirit. Tim


Can you do a "In the beginning... Amino Acids forming Proteins" one too? -maitre


i like the new version...keep it up


Sure will! Thanks, Chris! Tim


I'm not going to bash you on content, but the idea here is really flawed. On that rare occasion that you login and something isn't working right with KDE, you want to see exactly what's happening. Normal and even modified splash screens do that. With this splash screen, I'd be stuck seeing that there is a problem between 'R' and 'E'. Stick to wallpapers, please.


Yeah, you've got a point. I can fix that oversight. Thanks! TIm

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