1: Pigeons have been used for a long time to deliver messages (pigeon pictures by casch and e_anka on sxc)
2: Actual photos do very well for splash screens. Example of this: Digikam 0.6.1 splash screen.
Cos I felt like it
Thanks to daveisvenm for the link to www.sxc.hu which is now in my bookmarks list

I should of course not neglect to mention that the icons are scaled down from 128x128 icons from the Crystal set, so as to conform with the KDE Splash screen guidelines.
Ratings & Comments
This one is fun!
I quite agree with the other comment. The splash is great, the enlargement has to go. It crams up the picture, and, more importantly, it is reminiscent of comic books or such, However, as the contest said, Kontact needs to be serious enough to appear viable for business. I think that you should find some way in which you can write "Kontact" in horizontally, and in bigger letters. If you manage that, you'll improved the splash a lot.
You are so very right, I will do this as soon as I get home on Sunday :) Thanks for the comments and suggestions, people!
OK, so it turned out I would get home before Sunday, but here ya go, whacha think? :)
There is too much on the picture for my liking - the real advantage of using photos is the ability to leave them relatively as they are. Why not create a sort of pouch with the work Kontact on it, directly on the pidgeon's leg, and do away with the enlargement? It would then be clearer what's going on, and should still easily be readable.