Este es mi primer splash screen
He hecho tambien un bootsplash-theme
sobre el tema, lo subire cuando descubra
la manera de hacer paquetes debian!!!
Dedicado a to los viciaos de la saga Wipeout

Por cierto... i don't speak english... sorry :s
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Ratings & Comments
It's a home made Sci Fi Splash theme. Nice Work. The Borg Queen
Tienes razon, la imagen esta un poco borrosa y los bordes son un poco guarros :) Voy a intentar arreglarlo con ElGimp
I don't know what this splash is about, so my comment is about the technical side. The icon transition with the background should be smoother and shouldn't have these white borders. The image is too blurry. If the issues are corrected, it will be a nice-looking splash.