Liberal United Australia

KDE 3.x Splash Screens

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Yes! You are right! Democracy allows people to express their point of view. So, according to this thread 6/8 people (including the random post) think that you are spewing utter non-sense! Thanks Democracy!~


Having a negative view on your own country really sucks! Let's hope Howard doesn't get back in so that the Taliban can take care of you.


Having a negative view on your own country really sucks! Let's hope Howard doesn't get back in so that the Taliban can take care of you. I don't consider my government infalliable, nor do i consider my government my country. I'm a patriotic Australian who does question his government's actions and doesn't blindingly follow them in fear of being labled un-Australian. Democracy is about having the right to question and change thats what makes it better then a dictatorship, or at least it's suppose to. "I might not like what you say but I will defend to the death your right to say it" --- Thomas Jefferson 3rd president of the united states... "You are either with us or against us" --- George W Bush. Current president of the united states.. Funny how the democratic definition is nothing more then a varible in the uSA...


Well the good news is if I was trapped in Linux hell I would only be forced to look at this horrible piece of work for a few seconds.


God, help us. "libera nos a malo" You fool. You're servant in your mind, before than your stomach. Drink Coca Cola and die!


"you are note just voting for your president, you are voting for ours too, " All the more reason I'm voting for Bush. At least he seems to know that he may not be the sharpest pencil in the pack, while Kerry has no clue whatsoever. Arrgh, the lesser of two evils.


I would say its funny, but the fact that it is true it too depressing. If Howard is voted in again, Australia should be ashamed of itself, just as America should if Bush gets in. And Americans remember, as this wallpaper portays, you are note just voting for your president, you are voting for ours too, because if Howard gets voted in again, he is again going to continue to accept your foreign policy as our own. Keep us in mind ;) Sorry, I know this isn't a politcal arena, but I think in the case of this kde-look addition, I can make an exception. :)


C'mon... Let's not forget FLOYD that you (and I) are living in one of the most safe and secure nations in the world. It is thanks to this (Australia's) current government and its foreign and economic policies that you are not scrounging around in a refuse tip and being sponsored by a corrupt Middle Eastern oil tycoon. Get off your political high horse, or even better - go travel the world - and then, perhaps, you will realise that Australia and its government WORKS. The people of Sudan, Russia, Turkey, Rwanda, Congo, Zimbabwe etc never went to war with Iraq, and does that make them necessarily safer? Peace is found in Linux. or at least KDE :p


I don't want to start a poltical arguement here but i'd like to point out one thing. War is the failure of Democracy. You cannot go to war for democracy.That's like saying your going to war for peace... Again not possible. Democracy is about people deciding their own government and politics. No country has the right to decide one's government that itself destory's what democracy is about. You never heard the saying " The end doesn't justify the means" ? I think only the real ignorant could honestly belive corruption is one sided here.

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