Description: This is the Slicker Login Background and KSplash/ML Splash
To install these, do the following:
1. Move slicker-login-bg.jpg into /usr/share/wallpapers/slicker-login-bg.jpg 2. Depending on wether or not you want the splash screen system wide: a. Systemwide: Move splash.png to /share/apps/ksplashml/pics/splash.png b. User: Move splash.png to /.kde/share/apps/ksplashml/pics/splash.png 3. To show the background for the splash screen (this is actually the same back- ground as is used under the login screen), use the configuration tool for your login manager (kdm, gdm, mdk-kdm...) and select slicker-login-bg.jpg as your wallpaper. 4. To install the KSplash/ML theme (the Slicker.tar.bz2 file), simply open the KSplash/ML control panel and click on "Install theme..." and select the file. Then select the new entry and click Apply. 5. That should do it, you should now be able to log out and see these in action. While you are at it, you could of course download the Slicker Icon Set and the Slicker Style and use them, as that is what this was designed for in the first place.
On behalf of the Slicker Development Team ~ Dan // Leinir
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