Description: I like so much Pidgin but I hate the avatars to the right. So I move them to the left. It runs with Pidgin >= 2.6.0. Just extract the file in ~/.purple/themes/ and then select the theme in pidgin's preferences.
Hi I did more themes for pidgin, but I never understand how to create an icon theme. I told to another italian user and on google but no one know how to create it. If u know what structure must have the xml file let me know pls.
Ciao =) felice di avere un'altro italian linuxiano ;D
I don't understand very well... it works for you? Maybe do you want to move the status icon to the top? But for now it's impossible to move the status icon.
I was talking of the possibility of easily change the status icon theme, just like with the buddy list or the sounds...
but I already found it
Ratings & Comments
How can I set a individual status management for different accounts as it appears in shot above? Tks
Hi I did more themes for pidgin, but I never understand how to create an icon theme. I told to another italian user and on google but no one know how to create it. If u know what structure must have the xml file let me know pls. Ciao =) felice di avere un'altro italian linuxiano ;D
not entirely related, but still, i haven't been able to find it ... do you know where to put the status icons themes?
I don't understand very well... it works for you? Maybe do you want to move the status icon to the top? But for now it's impossible to move the status icon.
I was talking of the possibility of easily change the status icon theme, just like with the buddy list or the sounds... but I already found it (