Description: This is conky for DeadBeef audio player. It displays the album art(if available), track name, artist name, album title, year.
Installation instructions: 1. Download and extract the archive 2. Copy "conky" folder in ~/.config/ 3. Make the scripts executable. Run in terminal: cd ~/.config/conky chmod +x chmod +x 4. Run conky: ~/.config/conky/
Make sure that you have the "imagemagick" package installed on your system
>Hello, I still using Conky for DeadBeef
for long, I like it :)
I have a question, I would like to have the conky window above, on top. I have tried change bellow of above or botton or top, but doest work, how I could do?
The line I try to modify:
own_window yes
own_window_type override
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_hints sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,bellow<< ?¿
Thank you
Very good, but I had to change the .config/deadbeef/artcahe >> what does no exist I changed for .cache/deadbeef/covers, i am under lucid
May you update with new feautures like position, size, text color, previous-play/pause-next. :)
thank you
It takes the cover from Deadbeef's cache, that means if you have the cover in Deadbeef so you'll have it in the conky. If there is no cover in deadbeef, so the coverConky.png will be just blank.
i know but i don't have "~/.config/deadbeef/artcache" i've been enable covers from and from album artwork plugin in deadbeef... i also have covers in album folders... i don't get it deadbeef doesn't have option in his GUI for cover :D so this plugin in deadbeef is exactly for conky or what... where go this cover's from and
I havent't tested it with covers. I got the covers in my artits' folders(like "folder.jpg"). Make sure that you've enabled the "Fetch from local folder" checkbox in the Album Artwork plugin settings. Then go to Help - > Help and read how to enable the cover art.
Finally you will have something like this:
i handle the player covers but not for conky... i see when covers appear in ~/.config/deadbeef/artcache and then in ~/.config/conky/conkyCover.png is changed with current cover... but doesn't display in conky... however now i don't know why but my weather script stop working so i think is something from conky... m/b i miss some package or somethink...
thanks anyway :P
So as i understood, the conky starts, but displays only a blank image with a vinyl, without a cover in it? But if the conkyCover.png changes with the current song, so it have to be in the conky...that's strange. Please try to run in the terminal:
killall conky
And say if there will be any error output.
yea work's great... :) i tryed to add "${texeci 20 ~/.config/conky/}${image ~/.config/conky/conkyCover.png}" in my conkyrc and doesn't display cover :( only conkyCover.png... can i add it to my conky... my conkyrc is a little mess :D
Actually there is no need for this, you can run two(or more) conky at one time.
For example, you can open the ~/.config/conky/ file and put the line like this:
conky -c /path/to/your/conky/file
Then run:
время проигрывания композиции обновляется только каждые 4 сек. как мне исправить это.
When playing songs is only updated every 4 seconds. how do I fix this.
Открываете файл, значение sleep меняете на 11(это кол-во секунд которые ждёт скрипт перед тем как запустить conky) и добавляете этот скрипт в автозагрузку.
Ratings & Comments
Thanks so much for the program!
>Hello, I still using Conky for DeadBeef for long, I like it :) I have a question, I would like to have the conky window above, on top. I have tried change bellow of above or botton or top, but doest work, how I could do? The line I try to modify: own_window yes own_window_type override own_window_transparent yes own_window_hints sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,bellow<< ?¿ Thank you
Very good, but I had to change the .config/deadbeef/artcahe >> what does no exist I changed for .cache/deadbeef/covers, i am under lucid May you update with new feautures like position, size, text color, previous-play/pause-next. :) thank you
можно ли как-то сделать, чтобы скрипт срабатывал только когда запущен DeadBeef? А то смотреть на надписи nothing nothing nothing грустно)
So I try this stuff, but when I run start_conky in terminal I got this message: line 4: conky: command not found. Run it on Maverick.
You must have the "conky" and "imagemagick" packages installed on your system. They don't come by default with the OS.
it doesn't show cover for me... only conkyCover.png
It takes the cover from Deadbeef's cache, that means if you have the cover in Deadbeef so you'll have it in the conky. If there is no cover in deadbeef, so the coverConky.png will be just blank.
i know but i don't have "~/.config/deadbeef/artcache" i've been enable covers from and from album artwork plugin in deadbeef... i also have covers in album folders... i don't get it deadbeef doesn't have option in his GUI for cover :D so this plugin in deadbeef is exactly for conky or what... where go this cover's from and
I havent't tested it with covers. I got the covers in my artits' folders(like "folder.jpg"). Make sure that you've enabled the "Fetch from local folder" checkbox in the Album Artwork plugin settings. Then go to Help - > Help and read how to enable the cover art. Finally you will have something like this:
i handle the player covers but not for conky... i see when covers appear in ~/.config/deadbeef/artcache and then in ~/.config/conky/conkyCover.png is changed with current cover... but doesn't display in conky... however now i don't know why but my weather script stop working so i think is something from conky... m/b i miss some package or somethink... thanks anyway :P
So as i understood, the conky starts, but displays only a blank image with a vinyl, without a cover in it? But if the conkyCover.png changes with the current song, so it have to be in the conky...that's strange. Please try to run in the terminal: killall conky ~/.config/conky/ And say if there will be any error output.
Btw, what distro do you have? And version of the conky do you have?
yea work's great... :) i tryed to add "${texeci 20 ~/.config/conky/}${image ~/.config/conky/conkyCover.png}" in my conkyrc and doesn't display cover :( only conkyCover.png... can i add it to my conky... my conkyrc is a little mess :D
Actually there is no need for this, you can run two(or more) conky at one time. For example, you can open the ~/.config/conky/ file and put the line like this: conky -c /path/to/your/conky/file Then run: ~/.config/conky/ my point is to make anw,dockbax,and conky look's like one :) i don't have mutch progress :D
i have ubuntu maverick updated from lucid, deadbeef 0.4.1 and conky 1.8.0 :P
время проигрывания композиции обновляется только каждые 4 сек. как мне исправить это. When playing songs is only updated every 4 seconds. how do I fix this.
? ??? ????????? ??? ??????????? ?????? ? ???????? and how to get it to boot with the system
Открываете файл, значение sleep меняете на 11(это кол-во секунд которые ждёт скрипт перед тем как запустить conky) и добавляете этот скрипт в автозагрузку.
??? ?????, ??? ????????? ?????? ? ???????.
nice good work
Thanx :)