with the yellow marked button you can change between the two-panel-mode and the normal view.
please write comments!

have fun!
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
3.2.06:combined tabs and 2-panels
3.2.06: i am now for 1 week in holiday. please don´t be angry if i dont reply to comments.
3.2.06: i am here again!
Ratings & Comments
This is the #1 feature I'd like to see added to Nautilus (i.e. multi/dual pane) I hear the latest SVN has tabs...
http://nao.linux.pl This fm has support for two panel view and single panel view (including tabs but a bit different)... and many other features like configurable mouse gestures, plugins in python and C++ etc.
Hopefully, if this gets implemented, there will be the ability to drag stuff from one tab to another (by dragging something onto a tab, or by leaving the mouse on a tab for some time the view would switch to that tab like in Windows)
there is a fast nautilus-like that have tabs functionality, screenshot here: http://sourceforge.net/project/screenshots.php?group_id=156956 however a two panel view could be a nice idea. Did you try to submit it to gnome/nautilus team ? regards, ayoli
You'd need another vertical scroll bar on the far right for the right area. :) Also something I miss from Konqueror. Cheers, Pascal
oh yes.... :D
Great - thing I miss most since switching from Konqueror to nautilus.
... something Nautilus definitely needs. Although a final design could use some love ;) , and a button should not present user with drop-down menu, but 'press-unpress' functionality...
yes good idea
Tabs are really a great feature. Once one got used to use it ( e.g. konqueror ) one doesn't want to miss it. Split window would also be useful for a lot of users and others wouldn't see any change at all anyway... Same with tabs - users not using it wouldn't see that tab feature is available. This definitly belongs into nautilus !
Not being allowed to split the window is one of the main things that annoys me about nautilus and is a feature that really needs to be added.
idea is nice, there can be some people who like to use panes as well as tabs. but I guess there's something missing in this mockup, the handle between two panes :)
mhm i also thougt of panels. i think this is also a good idea!
Me too I think that "tabs" is a better idea. It's more clear and consistent. Let's try to separate Nautilus from Konqueror. =)
I think tabs would be better than a split window view
I don't like the 2-panel-layout, it makes me confused. But I'd like to see tabs in Nautilus.
But I prefer dual panes. Maybe we could have both, with the ability to turn them on or off?
Konqueror has this feature and combined with tabs it's pretty cool. I'd like to see this in Nautilus so much :\
Hi, That's the thing i *really* miss in nautilus, even if there is the new spatial mode.
why was this decided??? and why?
1) This will never be a built-in feature of Nautilus (decided long ago) 2) You might be able to accomplish this with nautilus extensions. 3) If someone wrote this as an extension, it would make a fair number of people happy. :)
yes an extension would be great!!!! :) but i can´t code :(
It's really usefull! :)