Dock theme for DockbarX
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
© 2025 /s/Cinnamon - Eyecandy for your Cinnamon Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
With your theme dockbarx display no icons. Is it depends on version? I have 0.24.1
Have install newer version. Yes, it depends on it.
The link points to a file "135373-DbarX.tar.gz" which, when dropped in my ~/.dockbarx/themes directory and selected via Dockbarx preferences, looks nothing like your original Deep theme.... ??
Sorry, copy and pasted wrong file XD should be fixed now
Cool, thanks!
The link points to a file "135373-DbarX.tar.gz" which, when dropped in my ~/.dockbarx/themes directory and selected via Dockbarx preferences, looks nothing like your original Deep theme.... ??
when using this theme, if i have more than one of the same window open, that button item becomes disabled and there are no numbers (2,3,4) to show that multiple windows are open. i love the look but it doest work on my ubuntu 10.10. installed in both folders to test both.
Thanks for the bug report. was your panel bigger than 30 pixels? when yes try the updated version when it still not work with the updated version please run this command in terminal: run-in-window and paste the terminal output
awesome, thanx. installed the new version and its 100%. am running my panel at 37 pixels.
Nice work. I had to edit a few things to make it look right on my vertical panel.
you install in in usr/share/dockbarx/themes
You can also install it in ~/.dockbarx/themes I think its easier because you don't need sudo for this ;)
that didn't work for me so..... either way awesome theme