Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
several icons made by me with GIMP and some others are not mine, credit to their designers, I hope you like it...
Notification Display designed by radixs credits to him
*WLM9 is part of Win2-7 Pack family *
Download Win2-7 Pack and install or update to newest version today!!!!
1.1 several changes to icons and modificated Notification Display
1.2 Added webcam icon
1.3 Fixed webcam icon and added a new
loading .gif icon
1.4 Added smilie icon
1.5 Sound theme added
1.6 New Sound theme
Added gtk-theme
Added plugin for changing gtk-theme (not mine, credit to his/her/their developers)
1.6.1 Added Background
1.7 Improved:
1.8 - Eliminated borders on:
shadows and text entry
1.9 - Added a new selector
- Added description to Custom Gtk Style plugin
2.0 - Added focus on toolbar, combobox, and buttons on gtk-theme
- Added a New gtk-theme: WLM9Purple
- Tons of corrections
- Added more gtk colors
- Added a couple of emoticons (thanks to josezamora
- Several improves to all themes
- Added more gtk-themes
- Added TrayIcon.py for indicator applet option
2.3 - Restructuration of gtkrc for better comprehension and edition
- Added new spin arrows
- Deleted some unused files
- Redrawed checkbox and checkradio
- New comboBox
- Fixed and Improved progressbar
Ratings & Comments
The way I showed you the way I got was this the Emesene run: exec env = GTK2_RC_FILES / emesene usr/share/emesene/WLM9/gtk-2.0/gtkrc The way you said affects only one user, who does not work at login screen. But thanks for the reply. ;)
to affect also login screen you have to use WLM9 as default gtk-theme on your gnome desktop
Thanks for reply! As a theme, I refer to him with 'Custom Gtk' login screen effects with blue, green or any other that you created. Sorry did not specify the first question.
How I found this: http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/6986/emesn.jpg Thank you for listening.
to get the colors of WLM: on main window go to preferences-->plugins activate custom gtk-style and press the settings button or setup to display a window where you have to find the path of the gtkrc file of the gtk-theme for instance the blue WLM9 theme navigate to: "/usr/share/themes/WLM9/gtk-2.0" there look for the gtkrc file and select it press "open" button that's it
Ficou muito bom o trabalho! Há como deixar este tema padrão, e/ou a tela de login? Desde já agradeço a atenção.
just rename the folders with "default" overwriting the emesene's original ones
olle el plugin del custom gtk no me sirve, me sale como el estilo clasico, y se ve feo, como arreglo esto? segui los pasos en muchas webs y en todas me tiraba el estilo clasico, que dependencia necesito?
ya no importa, ya me sirvio, solo hay que usar el motor pixbuf, ponlo como que es una dependencia
El enlace se encuentra caído. ¿Podrías resubirlo? Gracias por adelantado, estupendo trabajo =)
claro está resubido y actualizado, espero lo disfrutes of course, the artwork is now reuploaded and updated, I hope you like it
How do i install it? The readme made no sense
Nevermind, i figured it out
The guif notify is my work xD! don't worry.. But, this is update to v1.5 http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Notify+%28emesene+live+2009%29?content=118242
Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to uncredit your work, your name was already corrected on main page, thanks for sharing your great effort with us and keep up your good work =D
men me di cuenta que hablas español :D
Así es, hablo español =D
¡wow! me he quedado impresionado definitivamente está súper el temita este para el emesene. Y creémelo de no ser por tí y tus screenshots no habría usado el emesene, siempre usaba el amsn... Pero venga, que con esto te has ganado otro 10. Felicidades Jesús.
Hey José muchas gracias me alegro que te haya gustado y que sea una razón para probar distintos tipos de software libre, es de lo que se trata, que los usuarios les guste probar otras cosas y si la apariencia ayuda vamos bien, pienso ponerlo en otros colores ya veras, un abrazo y estamos en contacto =D
It's a really a good job, I think replicate the windows look it's a good example of how much customizable is gnome... and your work it's the closest at all
Yes I love gnome because is very customizable and you can get good designs, in this case for novel users who want to change to Linux
good-better-?.I 've seen most of your postings all are handsome jobs.Can I suggest?-instead of plagiarizing Win2-7 (MS-people)you can even do better style of your own so that your skill will sublimated in to the right track.Finally expecting the BEST from you parallel to this sort of works. Thanks a lot for your nice work.
thank you for your appreciation, I'm glad you like my work, I had not thought about it, I was not a designer and still not considering myself one of them, I respect them so much because it's not just knowledge of moving cursor or programs, it's creativity and so much preparation =D I just decided to make a Win 7 theme for all newbies because no one of the artworks I found here fullfilled my expectatives, this workout has been so funny, learning new things everyday to be implemented on my artworks it's so good hehe