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Now it's easy to customize your desktop!

Conky is a free, light-weight system monitor for X, that displays any information on your desktop.

CONKY-colors is an easier way to configure Conky.

This conky script support multilanguage:
Bulgarian, English, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian

How to install
Go to a terminal and type:
$sudo apt-get install aptitude python-statgrab python-keyring ttf-ubuntu-font-family hddtemp curl lm-sensors conky-all
$sudo chmod u+s /usr/sbin/hddtemp ||
$sudo sensors-detect #answering Yes (default) to all questions, even that last one that defaults to No

Now restart your session

Download and extract the and type in terminal in the same directory that has been extracted.
$sudo make install
$conky-colors {options}

$conky-colors --help [for help]

Ex: if your cpu is quad-core and you want the noble color, with hd, network and pidgin monitor and all in portuguese
conky-colors --theme=gnome-noble --lang=pt --cpu=4 --network --hd=default --pidgin

For a working photo widget you need to specify a file or directory in conkyPhoto or conkyPhotoRandom script in ~/.conkycolors/bin/

Update your font cache:
$sudo fc-cache -v -f

+++ Kaivalagi's Scripts (Included in conky-colors) +++
Conky SSL Mail Script:
Conky Rhythmbox Script:
Conky Banshee Script:
+++ If you can, say thanks to him for this great work +++

in terminal type conky -c ~/.conkycolors/conkyrc.

To run conky at startup, go to System > Preferences > Startup Applications, click "Add" and add the path to the conkyStart file[/usr/share/conkycolors/bin/conkyStart]

that's all folks!

conky-colors --cpu=2 --calendar --photord --clementine=cd --hd=default --network --theme=wise
conky-colors --sls --weather=brxx0043 --theme=orange
conky-colors --cairo --cpu=2 --clock=cairo --network --theme=blue
conky-colors --ring --network --theme=red
conky-colors --slim --w=1440 --h=900 --theme=white --weather=brxx0043
conky-colors --board --w=1440 --h=900 --theme=cyan

Lua/bash scripts work with conky 1.8.1, but most of the python scripts still doesnt;
SLS MODE only work with lm-sensors configured
The position of the photo and cover may be wrong bc in ubuntu the space between the widgets is different from Archlinux (I'm an arch user now)


Last changelog:

9.0 (2013-10-17)
* Complete new icon set, replaced most of the fonts with the new conkycolors font family;
* Widgets review;
* Refactory all hd scripts to use python 3;
* Many, many, many bugfixes;

Ratings & Comments



10 10 the best


10 10 the best


9 +


9 +


9 it's beautiful


Followed the guide, this is what I got (as some other dude above also got). user@CPU:~$ conky -c ~/.conkycolors/conkyrc. Conky: invalid configuration file '/home/user/.conkycolors/conkyrc.' Conky: desktop window (140001d) is subwindow of root window (80) Conky: window type - desktop Conky: drawing to created window (0x3c00001) Conky: drawing to single buffer


Very nice! Only the network interface isn't working because of a new naming scheme in systemd, since v197. Could you add something like a custom name parameter for the network interfaces?! See "" for more information. Thanks a lot!


Thx, i wil check this later. You can use the github to report bugs too :)


Hi all, thanks for this post. I followed the instructions as per the post, but still get the basic, original (and quite ugly!) conky black window. when running conky -c ~/.conkycolors/conkyrc , I get the message: Conky: invalid configuration file '/home/martin/.conkycolors/conkyrc' Conky: desktop window (c00021) is subwindow of root window (ab) Conky: window type - desktop Conky: drawing to created window (0x4200001) Conky: drawing to single buffer For some reason it is not recognising the configuration file at all and just running the original config for conky. I have NOT edited the configuration file at all (conkyrc). I am quite new to linux so no idea how to troubleshoot... I am using Linux Mint Cinnamon 13. This seemed to be the best thread on easily configuring conky so I hope iit can be easily worked out! many thanks in advance for your time and help m


conky-colors in sls mode dont start because this: mv: no se puede efectuar `stat' sobre «/tmp/conkycolors/conkyPlayer.template»: No existe el archivo o el directorio Thanks!


I use cairo mode, but network indicator does not show any traffic from my 3g modem (ppp0), can you fix it?


Hi, many thanks for such a useful script. One thing that I have noticed is that if I attempt to use the slim, board or ring modes then I get the following error: Conky: obj->data.i 2 info.cpu_count 1 Conky: attempting to use more CPUs than you have! This is despite me running conky-colors with: conky-colors --ring --cpu=1 --network. I've looked at my conkyrc and it only contains references to CPU1, so why am I getting this error? Any ideas?


I'm using cairo and added more partition's to the config... but i noticed i'm not getting the circular drive representation as that /home and /root ... any suggestions on how I can fix this?


The NET or network ring on the Slim setting is reading zero even though I am using the network while typing this right now. Putting the line ${downspeedf wlan0} in the conkyrc file works, but I am getting nothing from the NET in the Slim script. How do I get it to register network activity?


all configs in conky slim are locate in /usr/share/conkycolors/script/conkyslim.lua, Go to the end of file and then u will find something like the conkyrc....


I did that, but it isn't registering. Running "conky -t '${downspeedf wlan0}'" works (the conky code is good) but this part of the Lua file doesn't output anything but an unchaning ring with a value of 0. settings = {--NETWORK GRAPH DOWN value=tonumber(conky_parse("${downspeedf wlan0}")), value_max=100 , x=xp , y=yp , graph_radius=22 , graph_thickness=5 , graph_start_angle=180 , graph_unit_angle=2.7 , graph_unit_thickness=2.7 , graph_bg_colour=bgc , graph_bg_alpha=bga , graph_fg_colour=theme , graph_fg_alpha=fga , hand_fg_colour=theme , hand_fg_alpha=0.0 , txt_radius=35 , txt_weight=1 , txt_size=8.0 , txt_fg_colour=fgc , txt_fg_alpha=fga , graduation_radius=28 , graduation_thickness=0 , graduation_mark_thickness=1 , graduation_unit_angle=27 , graduation_fg_colour=theme , graduation_fg_alpha=0.3 , caption='NET' , caption_weight=1 , caption_size=10.0 , caption_fg_colour=fgc , caption_fg_alpha=fga , };draw_gauge_ring(settings) settings = {--NETWORK GRAPH UP value=tonumber(conky_parse("${upspeedf wlan0}")), value_max=100 , x=xp , y=yp , graph_radius=17 , graph_thickness=5 , graph_start_angle=180 , graph_unit_angle=2.7 , graph_unit_thickness=2.7 , graph_bg_colour=bgc , graph_bg_alpha=bga , graph_fg_colour=theme , graph_fg_alpha=fga , hand_fg_colour=theme , hand_fg_alpha=0.0 , txt_radius=0 , txt_weight=1 , txt_size=8.0 , txt_fg_colour=fgc , txt_fg_alpha=fga , graduation_radius=28 , graduation_thickness=0 , graduation_mark_thickness=1 , graduation_unit_angle=27 , graduation_fg_colour=theme , graduation_fg_alpha=0.3 , caption='' , caption_weight=1 , caption_size=10.0 , caption_fg_colour=fgc , caption_fg_alpha=fga , };draw_gauge_ring(settings)


... Never mind, you were right. I should have looked at the path names... I'm sorry.


In "conkyrc_sls.c" Line 193: fprintf(fp,"${goto 65}%s: ${color2}${addr eth0}${color}\n", localip); Must Be: fprintf(fp,"${goto 65}%s: ${color2}${addr wlan0}${color}\n", localip);


Gona fix it right now, thx! ;)


Hi, Can you replace the method of seeting SUID bit on hddtemp with this safer method:


I can only add this to the readme, since its a archlinux config cant be used for all linux distro.


It seems that it is simpler with Debian/Ubuntu than ArchLinux. Because on Debian/Ubuntu, neither do we have to configure hddtemp, nor install gnu-netcat (existing already). What missing is a script to parse the result from netcat. I hope there is some one who knows Bash can help.


When I get to the $make step of the installation I get this: Quote:

:~/Desktop/conky_colors$ make cc -Wall -std=c99 src/conky-colors.c src/conkycover.c src/conkyforecast.c src/conkyplayer.c src/conkyrc_cairo.c src/conkyrc_ring.c src/conkyrc_board.c src/conkyrc_default.c src/conkyrc_slim.c src/conkyrc_sls.c src/coverposition.c src/finddir.c src/help.c src/options.c src/photoposition.c src/themes.c src/translations.c src/variables.c src/confinstall.c src/utils.c src/initialize.c -o conky-colors src/options.c: In function ‘options’: src/options.c:224: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments src/options.c:224: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments src/themes.c: In function ‘themes’: src/themes.c:195: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments src/themes.c:195: warning: format not a string literal and no format arguments
Anything I need before i can make? I've done this many times before but this has never happened. Running Ubuntu 10.10, all updates up to date.


I have the same problem


I am using gnome shell and had an issue (using ring configuration). When I minimised a window, it still had focus. In order to bypass it, I had to edit ~/.conkycolors/conkyrc and change own_window_type from normal to dock. Then, I changed gap_x to move conky where I wanted to (basically screenwidth - conkysize). Another issue, I have more than 1 cpus, so I wanted to check them all. by doing that, the clock ring did not reposition and some other rings moved further down than they should have been. I edited the .lua files though and the problem was solved. Great work though, thanks!

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