Live Linux ksplash
Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
© 2025 /s/Cinnamon - Eyecandy for your Cinnamon Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
How is this GPL'd again? You got permissions from the original artists, I take it? ;)
Are you the GPL police?????
Nope, just a coder and an artist (writing, not graphical) who has a deep respect for what the GPL, and other licenses, allow to happen for a community. That respect, however, should be returned to those artists who do not use the GPL, et al, in their own works. I truly enjoy the kde-look website, because some of the nicest icons, windecs, etc, are here first. I'd hate to see this site get into trouble for hosting copyright infringing material. As far as we are aware, all wallpapers on this site (apart from the '3d and abstract' section) are freeware or in the public domain.
If that was the case, then it's all cool, but I think it is a rarity, especially for a lot of the images used in splash screens, wallpapers, etc, on kde-look. Personally, I find it hard to believe that the oroginal imaged used in this splash is truly public domain/royalty free, but if it is, more power to all. :) Like I've said, I don't this to be an ass, etc, but because copyright, both ways, is a serious topic for me, as a writer and as a 'citizen' in the OSS community.
Regardless of the license used, it is simply rude to take someone else's work and release it under a different license without permission.
I agree with adherence to GPL guidelines. This site has a reputation that it's trying to uphold but some refuse to recognize that they're posting others' work without consent. You were not the artist behind the creation of the image, so you should not post without permission or at least recognition of the original artist. One should not chastise others for respecting these ideals.
have you also got a wallpaper (big size) of that picture ? :) thanks Wayne