Windows 2000 Theme

KDE 2 Themes

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Now A full fledge theme with colors, sound and wallpaper but without icons. Since this theme with icons will be of 1.5mb, and I have had problems uploading it. So, Please download the "Windows 2000 Icon theme" from the "Icons" section.

Unfortunately KDE Thememanager doesn't have any documentation or options to add other stuff like KWin Style, Style, Mouse options etc., to make it more windows like. I suggest you to manually set the style and window decoration to 'Redmond' after the theme is applied.

I have created this theme to make ex-Windoze users comfortable with our Best KDE. I was converted to KDE by the Windows2000-1.1.2 theme by Roberto Martin Garcia. I feel that this will ease the ex-windows users fear-of-the-new-desktop syndrome . Hope you like it.

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Thank you, your work is great. For all the people that ask "why the f**k do you THINK about setting a win*&%$ theme/style on a soooo nice linux ?", here is my answer : I LOVE linux I HATE windows but my boss does not like that I work with linux so with this theme, he does not notices anything ;-) and most of all, the best point is that I forget that I am under linux (because I must use windows also from time to time), and when I click and use it, I think "WOW, how is it possible that my windows is so great to use today ? It is faster, so reactive, finally, this crap is not so bad..." and suddently, I remember konsole does not exist under win$ :-D Ah aaaaaah NOW I understand why I am happy to work today ! Long live to linux ;-) This is the truth. And each time, I fall in love again with my favorite os LINUX !!!! Even when it is disguised, it is impossible to hide its performances and pleasure to work with !


It looks great to me. people sometimes are so... you know. Congratulations and thank you, I work with computers and I am installing linux to some customers and thngs like that will help me a lot cos they will feel more confortable with the linux looking like windows. By the way I am Junior from Brazil, one more time Thank you see you


Several points to make for you people: 1) Watch your spelling and grammar. 2) Despite all your complaining some 3000+ people have downloaded it... Apparently some people still do like the theme. 3) Whether or not _YOU_ care for your computer to look like Windows is not the point. 4) How the GUI looks ( Especially in this case ) has very little to do with the actual performance of the OS. 5) What are you even doing looking at a theme you're not interested in? Just roaming the internet looking for a flame war? 6) Personally, I am a big fan of Mac... Even though I loved Mac, I get tired of people who said "Mac rules and Windowsnt" 7) Mac OS, Linux, and Windows all have their pros and cons. None of your flames will change how bad or good an OS is.


Who really need that?


Who really need that?


Is Great, well so many people doent like windows OK is good but the 90% of the users hate anoter thing diferent than Windogs. Im sure If you put the icons stile, the step bettwen win -> Linux-KDE is gona be more shorter. Thanks.


windows is CRAP


That's a dumb post. Try to make an OS which is half that good. Or just try to make an OS. You can't, so shut up. For this theme, it doesn't matters you like it or not, the point is to get KDE look like windows, and this worked. The author did this very well, and the fact that windows is crap or not/ugly or not doesn't matters. Ow, and to the idiot who said "windows is crap", you'll certainly fail to make an OS, the question is if you'd get a theme like this done.


Wow...when you change the icons and wallpaper KDE looks just like windows...who woulda thunk it?


When I downloaded this from windows & transported it to my Linux/Mandrake operating system their was no way for me to install it. This website needs to poste a how to Install link.


Windows 2000 is very nice and professional looking. So is GNOME. I think KDE acts/feels the best of the lot of 'em. I just don't like KDE's cartoonish look. Let's make KDE look more like a Professional KDE. I love the Windows 2000 color scheme (tan widgets/skin) - I'm using it right now with the QNix style. I love GNOME's photo-realistic icons. I get the impression Tackat (KDE's art coordinator, or something to that effect) is oppopsed to photo-realistic icons, opting more for symbolic icons. I think that is the right approach, but please let's no have them come from Toon Town.


windows looks awful, ugliest os ever me thinks :) But good job nonetheless, you certainly made kde look like Win2K


I say good job. Guys, loose the childish "winbloze suxs" attitude. You only hurt *NIX with such an immature attitude. If we want Linux - and other Unices - to succeed on the Desktop (and they can), we need Linux/UNIX desktops to act/look what those users already know - Windows. Not everbody out there using computers - or using Linux, for that matter - makes computers their lives. Some people simply want to use the darn thing. And once you get used to using one OS, making the transition to another that acts different, looks different, and has different applications can be quite unsettling. I, too, used the Windows 2000 KDE1 theme, and liked it. It was something familiar. Now, personally, I think Windows 200 is a fine-looking OS. Flame me if you want, but that doesn't change the fact that it looks PROFESSIONAL. I like it's color scheme. In fact, at this very moment I'm using a Windows 2000-espe color scheme right now on KDE (soft blue backgroun, tan widgets, fading menus) by golly, I like a lot. It's clean, functional, and professionl looking. If you wanna know what's ugly, just try to look at XP's Luna. :o) - kudos to the Luna theme developer, too, for a nice job. This is a good theme, and gives the Linux newbie a familiar look and feel to ease the pain of transition (bigger than you might think). GREAT JOB!


I completely agree. Stop whining about how much you hate Microsoft just because everyone else does.


Because 90% of desktop PC users are more familiar with the Windows look and feel. It will make it easier for these users to transition to a Linux based system with a theme like this. It's a great idea. But I don't think the implimentation was done very well.


fuck windows anyway....


KDE look a lot better than windows (not talking for xp, never tried it) so why to downgrade its look?


I found it a very good idea to copy the theme from the "ennemy". It's really funny :) Of course, in this situation, a lot of people doesn't see it that way and just use their male voice to say "UGLY" I don't really want to test it but I hope that it deserve the vote "+" I did for the humour.


only the usual question, migh there be any copyright or trademark issues with the windows logo in the corner ? Alex


Why a Windows theme??? Why should I "contaminate" my computer with a MS clone?


The power failed when I was uploading the theme. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. And perhaps that was the Authentic Windows touch of missing link ;)


Hey..the download link *does not* work! Maybe, its a very authentic Windoze touch ;) but its broken for sure!


This looks ugly??? It LOOKS just like Windows. WINDOWS IS UGLY.


(A=>B ^ B=>C) => (A =>C) :) It's ugly


tout simplement atroce i've don't remember that i've ever seen a so ugly thing even in M$ Winscrash 2 kill

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