Description: Well, I've been in a mood for this sorta thing. Hope it all works well, this is my first theme (so bear with me, please!).
Right now it requires Mosfet's Liquid. Also, I've included my background in the archive. I can't remember where I found the image, though, so if someone knows and wants to tell me I'd be appreciative! I owe the image alot of credit as the whole theme is based around it. Also, I'm running YellowSpoon's PureOrange IceWM decoration (although a slight tweak on the borders, nothing big).
OUT of all the themes I saw...yours is the best!! hehehe, btw..would you be able to tell me how to make a theme?? or point me to the right direction to look stuff up!!? I want to make a cool one like yours!!! =D
In truth, I just took a theme I found off of here (forgetting which one now) and looked at how it did it. You can create themes using KDE's control panel and save the theme to a .ktheme file. Beyond that I start to get confused myself, sorry!
Actually, I'm thinking I might create something like this for KDE3, only that'd come after I'm out of HS (which will be in about two weeks).
Ratings & Comments
OUT of all the themes I saw...yours is the best!! hehehe, btw..would you be able to tell me how to make a theme?? or point me to the right direction to look stuff up!!? I want to make a cool one like yours!!! =D
In truth, I just took a theme I found off of here (forgetting which one now) and looked at how it did it. You can create themes using KDE's control panel and save the theme to a .ktheme file. Beyond that I start to get confused myself, sorry! Actually, I'm thinking I might create something like this for KDE3, only that'd come after I'm out of HS (which will be in about two weeks).
I love 'em! Especially around terminals! Very nice desktop, good sir.
Well I didn't upload my changes, but I could probably do that pretty easily if people are interested?