Description: This is a patch for the "TeaX" style, made by teax.
The style is very good work - it is clean and professional looking. (as one comment said: "Simple, elegant, clean... Perfect!")
I always wanted to have this style with the ".NET like menues", as in the dotNET-Style in KDE 3.0.
Please note: I am not a hacker, especially not a KDE-hacker, so if the patch breaks something, it is certainly my fault, as the original TeaX works perfectly... :-)
Known problems:
- you cannot have both styles installed, as this patch overwrites the original .so library - after switching to this style your kicker may turn transparent. You can switch that off in the excellent TeaX control center module.
Enjoy, and remember, credits belong to teax for making such a good style, I only hacked in a few lines of code taken from dotNET-Style... :-)
First of all, let me commend you on creating such a fine
style! But I do seem to have a couple of minor issues. First, my menus aren't always transparent. If I click on my Kmenu icon once it usually isn't transparent. If I click on it a second time, it will be.
Second, you mention a "great" teax control panel. Heh, I have no idea where to find it! It certainly isn't anywhere in my K Control Center...
Turning off the fade menu effect now consistently produces a transparent menu. Would still like to find out where the Teax control centre thingy is though. :)
Hi, I have noticed that the module does not show up in the control center when configuring without prefix to where KDE is installed
(/usr in Mandrake, /opt/kde2 in SuSE or Gentoo).
Try reconfiguring, I hope that solves your problem. :-)
As someone will certainly ask that question:
The first screenshot was taken on KDE 2.2.2 on my Gentoo Linux system, using normal iconset and "Aqua" window decorations.
Desktop set to TeaX color scheme.
The second one was taken on KDE 3.0 on SuSE Linux (and NO, the style WONT compile with KDE 3.0! Set QTDIR and KDEDIR env. vars to your KDE 2.2.x dirs to compile).
It shows a running Quanta Plus using that style.
KDE 3.0 is set to "Slick" iconset and "Glow" window decorations.
Ratings & Comments
First of all, let me commend you on creating such a fine style! But I do seem to have a couple of minor issues. First, my menus aren't always transparent. If I click on my Kmenu icon once it usually isn't transparent. If I click on it a second time, it will be. Second, you mention a "great" teax control panel. Heh, I have no idea where to find it! It certainly isn't anywhere in my K Control Center... -ChiaJesus
Turning off the fade menu effect now consistently produces a transparent menu. Would still like to find out where the Teax control centre thingy is though. :) -ChiaJesus
Hi, I have noticed that the module does not show up in the control center when configuring without prefix to where KDE is installed (/usr in Mandrake, /opt/kde2 in SuSE or Gentoo). Try reconfiguring, I hope that solves your problem. :-)
My new standard style!
As someone will certainly ask that question: The first screenshot was taken on KDE 2.2.2 on my Gentoo Linux system, using normal iconset and "Aqua" window decorations. Desktop set to TeaX color scheme. The second one was taken on KDE 3.0 on SuSE Linux (and NO, the style WONT compile with KDE 3.0! Set QTDIR and KDEDIR env. vars to your KDE 2.2.x dirs to compile). It shows a running Quanta Plus using that style. KDE 3.0 is set to "Slick" iconset and "Glow" window decorations. henne