Young Jedi Theme - thanks Ayo73
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
The skin of xmms is and adaptation of the Ayo skin.
And icons comes from Ikons th
I've seen that you like my desktop,
so i put my kdetheme on download.
You have to add Mosfet-liquid (no-lines patch)
and Ikons theme
and KDE RuleZZ.
The wallpapers come from the Ayo73's work.
go on his site, it's very good!
and play with Frozen Bubble (graphic's by Ayo73)
The theme file is too big for kde-look.org so you can donwload it from :
Ratings & Comments
What's this liquid everyone's talking about? I have a liquid styled theme, but I still can't get translucent menus. how can I get translucent menus?!
or, what programs do I need to get translucent menus?
the soft is Mosfet High performance Liquid
How do I get the dark transparent menus without changing the panel to the same color?
if you have correctly install liquid, go in the KDE control center and you have in L&F a translucent menu icon where you can chage the color.
I got Liquid working with the nolines patch and it works great. Really nice theme. Really nice X-Men Penguine's pictures though :>
Nice and Clean. Thanks for using my backgound ...;o) Ps :its an 'O'('o letter') not 0 (zero) in my nick... ;)
Somehow i could not reach mosfet's website to download liquid. I will try later again.
Where can I get this amazing xmms skin???
you can get the original at the Ayo73 site www.73lab.com but it's not a blue skin (i've modified mine)
Where can I modify xmms/winamp skins? Which application should I use?
use the Gimp, skins are simple bitmaps zipped. you can found skins in /usr/share/xmms/skins
Hi. Great stuff. I downloaded the theme from mosfet's page, and I wondered, where you did get the no-line pactch. This ist one of the things, that drives me crazy an my LCD Screen, getting blurry with the time, feeling drunk, you know ;) regards ghostbuster
you can get it here: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=523
Hi, great looking theme, but how do you get that panel in the upper right hand corner of your screen? I am reffering to the one that is measuring CPU load, etc. I dunno if that sort of thing is exclusive to GNOME or what. Thanks much -ASDunn@mail.com
It looks like GKrellM
It is GKrellM (that's also works with kde)
I also use gkrellm but mine doesn't appear on the taskbar. Tips ------ Start it like this : kstart --skiptaskbar --alldesktops --skippager gkrellm Then select it and press Alt-F3 to bring up the "kwin menu" Select store the configuration When leaving KDE select "Keep session in the next connection"(or something similar 'cause mine is in French ;) After that, gkrellm will be automaticly started at the position you let it and will not appear in taskbar (unlike this of the screenshots) Ayo roxor !!!!
he shift, regarde bien les sreenshots, gkrellm n'est pas sur une taskbar, je peux le positionner ou je veux. :-) @+
Thank you. When somebody will next time tell me that linux desktop looks ugly, I will show him my desktop, which will in the future look like yours. Thanks!
just wonderung why you aren't using font aliasing... everyone how wants to submit a screenshot should activate this, looks IMHO much better
is activate
but i've found an error in font configuration, tahnks showing it to me.