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Lots of credit goes to clee, I haven't actually changed much, and it's still not exactly working out as I had envisioned it to work out. One of the things that I had envisioned was trying to make a popup menu title become the first item in a popup menu, like it does in Microsoft's .NET widgets, but I had a hard time trying to make it do that, so I tried to fake it. It worked, somewhat. There is still a noticeable line seperating the popup
menu title from the rest of the popup. Plus, if the popup menu is near any edge of the screen, the popup menu title just ends up behind the popup menu. If anyone has any clue as to how to
solve this problem, go ahead and fix it, and email me the diff (please use the -u option) or email me your idea as to how to fix it.


PS You can find clee's original dotNET here:
Last changelog:

This is an *extremely* minor update. The only thing that changed is that the tool button backgrounds darken if you click them.

Ratings & Comments



Want to use the menus from dotNET also in Mozilla Firebird?


I like it very much. Maybe I would suggest not to use any 3D efects anywhere (do not use 3D effect for 1px lines inside the window) but everything other is really cool.


i hate to have to say this , but this sucks. it looks drab, boring, grey and almost like a throwback to OS/2 and Windows 3.1 Sorry, maybe its just my taste , but i dont like it.


Very nice piece of work =) Just out fo curiosity how did you get Slashdot as your background and can you navigate the website like when you make a website as a background in windows?


I will try this real soon, but is it for KDE 3.1? I sure hope so.


this is great. .Net has been my favorite theme in kde, and this on is better. The only thing i don't like about .Net and .Net-R, is that the menues have the side color where the icons are, unless you use menu tranparency. But this theme is great. Keep up the good work.


I need comments people! Do you guys have any gripes over this theme? Anything missing that you want? I'm sure some of you want icon shadows. I do to, but they will be very difficult to implement. They're not merely rectangles that I can put a darkened box behind. I would need to apply some sort of bitmap mask or something to the pixmap to do that, I think. I'm not entirely sure. I'm still working on trying to figure out how to make the menu titles become a part of the popup menus, or at least look like they are. Haven't succeeded yet.


Sorry, should have included this in my comment above. tar xzvf $file.tar.gz cd dotNET-R0.1 ./configure make su -c "make install"

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