Plastik Woody Package
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Woody package of Plastik Widget Style for KDE 3.1
Made for Debian Woody using kde.org debs EXCLUSIVELY. It may not work with other kde installations.
If you want to use these release of kde, add to your sources.list:
deb http://download.kde.org/stable/3.1.3/Debian stable main
Enjoy and thanx ceebx!
Soon, the packages will be updated in this apt site:
deb http://es.kde.org stable main
Thanx to Pedro Jurado Maqueda to let me publish in his debian repository. Last changelog:
Made for Debian Woody using kde.org debs EXCLUSIVELY. It may not work with other kde installations.
If you want to use these release of kde, add to your sources.list:
deb http://download.kde.org/stable/3.1.3/Debian stable main
Enjoy and thanx ceebx!
Soon, the packages will be updated in this apt site:
deb http://es.kde.org stable main
Thanx to Pedro Jurado Maqueda to let me publish in his debian repository.
0.3.3-2 Updated with the 0.3.3 version of the package. XFree86 Dependencies solved.
0.3-1 Updated with 0.3 version of the style.
The window decoration doesn't seems to work correctly. I'll check that.
0.2.2-1 Updated with 0.2.2 version of the style
0.2.1-1 Initial Release.
Ratings & Comments
can you please make it require libqt3-mt OR libqt3c102-mt so it'll be installable in unstable/testing systems ?
Tell me how via mail and I'll make that modifications. I'm newbie in this bussiness of making debs. Thax for your feedback!
This won't work, they changed the name to libqt3c102-mt for a reason. Testing /Unstable is compiled using gcc > 3.1.x which is binary incompatible with all C++ programs compiled with gcc
I'm using a standard woody installation, only with suggested updates for woody of debian (stable updated) in the minimal way; and the kde.org packages of kde (binaries and dev packages). Maybe you're not using a kde.org debian installation of kde; and isn't my intention to build for sarge/sid/experimental branches of debian, just woody. Jimmymallman is working with sid branches of kde. Look at Jim's posts at: http://www.kdelook.org/usermanager/search.php?username=jimmymallmann
Seems it requires XFree86 4.2 instaid 4.1, that's the version Debian Woody runs by deffault. Seriously, i don't want to mess up the X system just for a style. Can you fix that ? Thanks. :) --{@ Ryo99.
I recently installed woody r1 (last weekend), and when i DL the soft i need, X was updated. If I can fix that ('cause i don't only use the computer to build debs, it's only a hobbie 'cause i found easier to make a deb rather than an rpm to install it in a polite way in my computer). So, if I DON'T REALLY need XFree 4.2, I'll be fix that. Maybe during this weekend. Thanx a lot for your feedback!
Now I'm getting into inmortality! Lovely desktop. I want it now :-) Kisses, Sab
Replying myself: yup, i'm re jaker. (i feel stupid saying that)