In the archive there are 3 themes (Kleen, Kleen2,
I hope it will please at least one

Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Works with pling-storeor ocs-url
More Ice-WM Themes from Dany-CL:
Other Ice-WM Themes:
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Ratings & Comments
how does one gets logs (or whatever it is) text to show up in the background like in these screenshots???
Firstl you must use a terminal with transparency support. It's not real transparency, but it works like it is. example: aterm -fg DodgerBlue -tr -name monitor -e tail -f /var/log/messages & details: -fg DodgerBlue: write in blue (foreground) -name monitor: a name for some window managers to recognize the terminal so that if set properly it doesn't draw the borders of the window -e: execute the command tail -f /var/log/messages: to see the messages file. Note: it can be view only by root on some distros. "man chmod" for more explanations. Second you must tell your window manager that you don't want borders nor title around this terminal. Hope this help.
big thx jk
But.. found it difficult to read text in the title bar. Otherwise, really nice
you can play with title bar colors in the file "default.theme" : look for ColorActiveTitleBar and the like.
Count me in. I like it, very slick and clean.
Thanks :)) The wallpaper can be found at (french web site).