Description: This is basically RedHat's Bluecurve but with one minor difference. Bluecurve is a great theme but they don't change any of the KDE specific icons that have to do with actions. (The icons that KDE apps use in their toolbars and such). So you are left with the unattractive defaults. This is the Bluecurve theme, but with the Crytal icons in place of where there would normally be a unattractive default one. I haven't checked them all completely to make sure I got all the instances. If people seem to like this (very easy) tweak, I might look into it in more depth.Last changelog:
-- Changed the Video Mimetype to the Bluecurve xine icon... because the video icon is just UGLY. -- Fixed the Logout and Exit icons to reflect Bluecurve and not the Crystaline theme.
Hey I did the hard work for you but the file is kind of big. If you have somehwere to put it since kde-look won't take a file that big I can send it to you to post.
I just posted some Q's in that upload you made, only to figure it out and come read this here.. heh, sorry about that 8). And I assume you found a place to upload your stuff.
Sorry Reivec. I wasn't trying to take any credit at all for what you did. Just made the whole thing accessible. But I think they will pull it by tomorrow. I tested it on my system and it still comes up the original name. bad doughnuts!
You have to change the name in one of them there index file thingies 8). Not sure which name you are talking about (icon name, decoration name, etc..) but there is probably a index file in there somewhere with the name.
LOL. Yeah I was just pulling what I had in the directories and renaming them without thinking. I think the colorscheme was the only one I put that effort into. Plus without making it installable most people hate having to do any work. Ah well, sorry bro. Thought it might break the usual uploads.
That is the Bluecurve decoration that comes with RedHat 8.0, there is one got KDE and Gnome, they look exactly the same. I might look into pulling it out at a later date. I have classes to worry about right now. 8)
I took the bluecurve theme and style off of my rh8 machine and if you look in some of the code and I think in the KDM login you will see that rh has credits all over it.
This is a VERY good idea indeed!
But somehow I'm afraid that you will run into trouble for this.
Hopefully someone can say something about the licence thing.
Ratings & Comments
But then this theme has been listed here since 2002. Does anyone know where I might find it?
Very nice theme,but the link is not correct.Can someone tell me where i can download it anyway?
...but I mixed bluecurve with the sky icons for actions, and some mime types.
Hey I did the hard work for you but the file is kind of big. If you have somehwere to put it since kde-look won't take a file that big I can send it to you to post.
I just posted some Q's in that upload you made, only to figure it out and come read this here.. heh, sorry about that 8). And I assume you found a place to upload your stuff.
Sorry Reivec. I wasn't trying to take any credit at all for what you did. Just made the whole thing accessible. But I think they will pull it by tomorrow. I tested it on my system and it still comes up the original name. bad doughnuts!
You have to change the name in one of them there index file thingies 8). Not sure which name you are talking about (icon name, decoration name, etc..) but there is probably a index file in there somewhere with the name.
LOL. Yeah I was just pulling what I had in the directories and renaming them without thinking. I think the colorscheme was the only one I put that effort into. Plus without making it installable most people hate having to do any work. Ah well, sorry bro. Thought it might break the usual uploads.
could you please upload the IceWM window decoration? looks pretty good to me :) thanks
That is the Bluecurve decoration that comes with RedHat 8.0, there is one got KDE and Gnome, they look exactly the same. I might look into pulling it out at a later date. I have classes to worry about right now. 8)
I took the bluecurve theme and style off of my rh8 machine and if you look in some of the code and I think in the KDM login you will see that rh has credits all over it.
Credits aren't bad. You can use Bluecurve anywhere, you may just not call it Bluecurve (tm ;) or make people think it's associated with Red Hat.
This is a VERY good idea indeed! But somehow I'm afraid that you will run into trouble for this. Hopefully someone can say something about the licence thing.