Blended Crystal Stellarium
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Added additional icon, with xp style windows logo.
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Ratings & Comments
Good work, but I think that a glass of wine would look much more realistic, if the wine inside were somehow parallel to the ground (which most people expect to be arranged horizontally) :)
Actually, I agree. However, the wine is actually part of the interior of the glass. So, moving the vertices's for the wine would distort the glass shape. When I finish the new wine glass mesh, with the wine as a separate mesh, I'll make the change.
If anybody knows where I could get a ray tracer for blender that can do diffraction, I would be grateful.
Have you done this with blender? It seems so looking at the screenshots :) regards
This was constructed in blender.
Looks good, but the win logo in background looks too old to fit in a scene with such beautiful glass of wine. You should shape it more like xp / vista logo.
Nice looking, but with icons you need to take scalability into consideration. I don't think that icon will scale well to smaller sizes.
Your correct, you tend to lose the stem, and some of the top when scalling down. I will post a new version when it is completed.