makeiconfolder.sh version 0.1
Makes icons out of a folder of properly sorted SVG icons. I want to make this GUI, but haven't been arsed thus far

This is svg2icons version 0.1
by Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen ( admin (at) leinir.dk )
The script is released under the GPL ( http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/ )
It is a script designed to perform the simple but tedious task of converting images from SVG (or any arbitrary image format supported by ImageMagic's convert) into a 960x960 PNG and then scale the image down, placing them in the correct directory structure for use as a KDE icon set.
svg2icons [-s] filename section [ext]
svg2icons -h
filename is the filename minus extension (no path) section is the section name (can be any of actions, apps, devices, filesystems and mimetypes (plus any other, but these are the basic KDE sections))
ext (optional) is the file extension of the original image. If this is not present svg2icons will assume it is svg. Note that this is case sensitive
-s (optional) means that the original image is in the correct directory structure (i.e. for an icon called stop in the subfolder scaled/actions under the working folder in stead of at the root of it)
Ratings & Comments
There is also another script for this. The svgtoicon script makes smoother icons, the icons the svg2png4kde script makes are sharper. It's a matter of taste. Or may be you like the big ones to be smooth, the smaller ones sharp. svgtoicons (this) svg2png4kde: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=10055
I know I promised some people to post this, oh, a few months ago :P Well, at long last, here you go :P
len... you've done it again :) actually i haven't used this yet. I have no idea where to get svg icons (even crystalsvg is in png form).
There must be some, please throw them this way ;) Thanks for the good votes :)